Use directly in Shopify admin
About this app
Integrate & elevate your store's capabilities with Shapeways' on-demand global 3D printing services.
Direct Integration to Shapeways 3D printing on demand: With Orders Page, Product Mapping Page and Settings Page, connect your Shopify store directly to Shapeways manufacturing and fulfillment network for easy access to a wide array of 3D printing options. Seamless Auto-sync: End-to-end features to automatically fulfill your Shopify orders with Shapeways—from direct shipping options, order status, fulfillment updates, and more. Material Variety: Choose from over 40 materials and finishes.
Automatically fulfill your Shopify orders with Shapeways
Flexibility in selecting fulfillment methods with tracking
Auto-sync to view and manage orders & product mapping
External charges may be billed by Shapeways separately from your Shopify invoice.Learn more
All charges are billed in USD.
6 reviews
Considering that Shapeways is the best 3D printed jewellery manufacturer in the world, one might hope their app would be professionally made. However... unlike some better apps I have seen, the SW app does not connect your product descriptions and prices so that updating them on SW updates them on your Shopify store. You have top do that using a spreadsheet that you download and upload. I made the big mistake of using the SW app soon after they launched it when some details were not synched by the spreadsheet. Updating to the latest version of the app would overwrite many of my changes. Now I have to check every order that comes in to make sure the materials and item# are correct before manually confirming the order. If I accidentally misread something it is possible I could confirm a solid gold order instead of a gold plated order and stuff up my profit margins for a long time! It would be sooooo good if the SW description and price changes could be pushed automatically to Shopify as I have seen done (by SKYOU for instance). Apparently they do not consider Shopify store owners to be important enough, or else they are surprisingly technically incompetent. I give it 2 stars because it does the minimal connection an app like this can do really. It would be hard to build in less functionality and call it Shopify integration at all. As far as I know the app has not been updated in the last year or so.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to run the app. Wondering what other error there are still waiting for me.
所以,我刚从Woocommerc转变我的网站e to Shopify just so I could get access to this app. Shapeways is my primary 3D printing service. Every time I send a customer to the Shapeways website to purchase a model I just designed, my brand identity decreases. Now, my customers purchase the models directly from my site. Brand increases every time a new customer purchases a model using this app. They did a great job designing the payment integration with Paypal.
SO excited to see this app work with Shopify. I've been 3D printing with Shapeways for years and they are the best.
Awesome app, It helps me automatically push orders to Shapeways under my account, and auto ship to my customers’ addresses. No more manually placing orders on Shapeways.com! I can enjoy my vacations now :)
About this app
Built by Shapeways
Send a messagestorefronts@shapeways.com
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