Display important information on the product page

The product page showcases a product and its variants. By default, each product page in anyShopify-supported themeincludes product images, pricing and availability information, a product description, and anAdd to cartbutton. The details that you provide for a product affect how the product appears to customers, and help customers find the product. Adding product details also makes it easier for you to organize your products.

Merchants who sell in Germany often display the following information on product pages:

  • Shipping information
  • Tax information, such as VAT
  • In stock availability
  • Delivery time

Include shipping information on the product page

If youadd your shipping policy in your Shopify admin, then a link to your shipping costs is automatically added to your product page.

Include tax information on the product page

If your business is based in a European Union (EU) member country, and you want to sell in Germany, then you might need to display prices with the tax included on your product pages. For more information on setting up EU taxes, refer toEU taxes.


  1. 从你的Shopify admin, go toSettings>Taxes and duties.
  2. In theDecide how tax is chargedsection, checkInclude tax in prices.
  3. ClickSave.

After you have set up your prices to include taxes, make sure thatCharge tax on this productis checked on your product pages so that the taxes are included in the displayed price. The tax information is displayed on the product page, and the amount of tax included is displayed at the checkout.

Include product in stock availability on the product page

If you want to sell in Germany, then you must display product availability information on the product page. If a product in your online store is no longer available to buy, then the product page must display an out of stock message.

By default, allShopify-supported themesdisplay an out of stock message on the product page when a product is sold out. If you customize your theme or change the default settings, then make sure that the out of stock message is readable, prominent, and clear to your customers.

Include delivery times on the product page

You can set appropriate expectations with customers in Germany by including a delivery estimate in your product descriptions. These steps must be completed for every product individually.


  1. 从你的Shopify admin, go to箴ducts.

  2. Click the name of the product that you want to change.

  3. Add the delivery time to the productdescription. For example, you can add "Delivery within 1-2 business days." If you want to continue selling products when out of stock, then you must still display the date that the item will be delivered.

  4. ClickSave.

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