Shopify collabs
Get paid by brands you love
Discover the millions of brands on Shopify, share your favorite products, and earn when your followers buy.

Find brands to match your vibe
Connect with millions of brands right where they are: on Shopify. Discover new brands or browse our personalized recommendations based on your profile.
Share products you love
Apply to work with your favorite brands. Once accepted, you can redeem gifts and start incorporating their products into your content. When a follower buys, you get paid.
Keep track of it all
有条不紊地发展和管理分公司再保险lationships, gifts, links, codes, and payouts — all in one place.
How Shopify Collabs works
Watch this 1-minute video to get a sneak peek of the product. Hear how you can expect to make money with Shopify Collabs.
Take it to the next level
You’ve built your audience from the ground up. Keep building with Shopify Collabs.