
Community Moderator
Community Moderator


我们很高兴bring you the latest updates from our vibrant Community! Get ready for a monthly newsletter packed with exciting news recaps, highlights, and valuable insights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay connected and informed!

Product Release

:package:Revolutionize your Shopify Experience: Inventory State Column Picker Now Available

Take control of your inventory overview like never before. Tailor it to match your business workflow, ensuring a seamless and efficient management experience. With the Inventory State Column Picker, you have the flexibility to create a personalized inventory view that makes perfect sense to you.

:credit_card:Introducing Shopify Credit: The Ultimate Business Card for Paying in Full, with Zero Fees and Zero I...

:money_with_wings:No Fees, No Interest: Enjoy the freedom of paying in full without any hidden charges or interest fees!

:wrapped_gift:Earn Cashback Rewards:Earn up to 3% cashback rewards on your most frequent business expenses.

It's like getting paid to spend!

:alarm_clock:Flexible Payment Terms: Give you the flexibility to manage your cashflow effectively.

:briefcase:Growing Credit Limits: As your business flourishes, so does your credit limit. Shopify Credit is designed to

support your growth, providing you with the financial resources you need to succeed.

:locked:Apply with Confidence: Rest easy knowing that applying for Shopify Credit is a seamless and secure

process. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Grab this incredible opportunity to optimize your business finances.Applyfor Shopify Credit today and unlock a world of possibilities!

:new_button:Shopify Editions Summer ‘23

Unlock your commerce power with over 100 product updates. Explore the possibilities and watch the new features in action!

  • Shopify Magic: AI-powered features seamlessly integrated to simplify your business journey from get-go to success.
  • Checkout Extensions: Unleash the power of customization and seamlessly integrate with Shop Pay!:sparkles:Checkout customizations:sparkles:Checkout Editor:sparkles:Shopify Pixels:sparkles:Branding API
  • Wholesale channel to B2B: A whole new sales channel toexpand your businesshorizons and collaborate with fellow business owners.
  • Retail POS UI Extensions: Tailor the point-of-sale interface to match your unique branding and business needs. Level up your customers’ shopping experience with the intuitive interfaces.
  • Shop Stores: Boost engagement and drive conversions to your shop store with customized branding, collections, and more.
  • Shopify Collective: Sell new products from Shopify brands that complement yours without managing inventory and handling shipping.
  • Shopify Bundles App: You can now create and sell bundles with Shopify, one of the best ways to increase your average order value.
  • Shopify Subscriptions: With new customer accounts, your customers will have the flexibility to pause or skip orders, update payment and shipping details, and beyond.

Community Events

:rocket:Recap: Build On Shopify - Summer '23 Editions AMA

欢迎来到我们AMA系列,我们带给你那个sive insights into the latest products launched at the Summer Editions '23. Join us on this immersive journey as we showcase the cutting-edge features and innovations that will elevate your entrepreneurship.

‘What if I missed it?’I hear you asking. No sweat! Make sure yousubscribeto our AMA board for email notifications whenever future events come up. Stay in the loop and never miss out again!

Summer ‘23 Editions Webinar

:beach_with_umbrella:Master The Holidays With Shopify: Top 10 Strategies For A Successful Season

Uncover the top 10 strategies for a successful holiday season. Learn how to expand your reach, maximize sales, and leverage the latest products and features from the Summer '23 Editions. Our Shopify experts will guide you towards success during the Black Friday Cyber Monday holiday season. Watch the webinar in the post and share your thought in the thread!

Exclusive Shopify Community Webinar

:convenience_store:Mastering The Basics Of Store Setup

Launch your Shopify store with ease and breeze. This webinar will walk you through how to sign up your store, showcase your products, streamline shipping setup, build your brand, customize your storefront, and everything in between and beyond! Watch the session, and we would love to hear your thoughts in the thread!

Featured Topic

We have hand-picked some of the most common customization questions from the past month. Let's give a round of applause to the members who actively shared their knowledge and provided solutions. If any of those topics help you, make sure you click the LIKE button!

Highlighted Blogs

Did you know that our Community supports 9 languages? We are committed to catering to regional markets through the collaborative efforts of our dedicated staff, merchants, and partners. Explore our language-specific blogs and discover a wealth of diverse insights.

Stay in the loop!

Stay connected with us by subscribing to our Community Blog! Click on the three dots icon on our Blog landing page and selectSubscribe. See you next month!

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