End of Day report (Z-Report)

If you're a retail merchant with a store in Germany, then you might need to generate a daily report for your POS transactions, often called an End of Day report or a Z-Report.

Before you begin

To generate an End of Day report, you need to complete the following tasks:

Generate an End of Day report

After youclose your cash tracking sessionfor the day, you can generate and print your End of Day report in the Shopify POS app.

  1. From Shopify POS, tap>Register.

  2. 利用Session history.

  3. 利用the tracking session you want to view.

  4. 利用View payment typesto access a breakdown of payment types used in the session.

  5. 利用Print pageto print payment type information.

Main fields on the End of day report

Description of the main fields on the end of day report
Field Description
Company name Your legal business name. If you haven'tset up your legal business name, then your online store name is used.
报告νmber The unique report number.
Taxes A breakdown of the net amount of taxes by rate.
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