Organization Settings

Organization Settings provide additional functions to the Shopify admin. If there are multiple stores in your organization, then you can perform actions across multiple stores in your organization instead of managing each store individually.

Users who have access to Organization Settings can perform actions that affect users, store management, and billing across multiple stores in your organization. To use Organization Settings, users must be granted access to at least one store in your organization.

Benefits of using Organization Settings

Organization Settings include the following features to help you manage your organization more efficiently.

The benefits of using Organization Settings.
Feature Description
User management UsingUser managementsettings lets you to do the following:
  • Add new users to your organization.
  • Reactivate, suspend, or remove users in bulk.
  • Assign or remove access to organization-level features.
  • Control store-level accesses and permissions.
  • 创建结合企业级的acc的角色s and store-level permissions, and assign roles to users.
  • Enforce two-step authentication.
Store management UsingStore managementsettings lets you to do the following:
  • View and access all stores in your organization.
  • Filter stores by type or status.
  • Create new stores.
Bills UsingBillssettings lets you to do the following:
  • Use a single organization billing entity for all stores, instead of managing bills for each store.
  • Manage payment for subscriptions, usage fees, and one-time charges with a single payment method.
  • Access billing information in separate sections for bills, preferences, and reporting.
Analytics UsingAnalyticslets you view the total sales and orders for your entire organization.
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