Managing customer segments

You can build your own customer segments by combining filter names, operators, and values in theeditoron theCustomerspage or by clickingCreate segmentbutton on the Segments page and using the editor on the segment details page. In addition, your Shopify admin includes default customer segments and templates that you can use as they are, change to suit your needs, or use as a starting point to create a new customer segment.

The editor is designed to help you to build your customer segments. As you add components to your customer segment, you are provided with a list of the availablefilter names, operators, and valuesthat you can use.

Before you begin

Learn about thedifferent components of a customer segment.

Learn about thefilters that are used to build customer segments.

Create a new customer segment

Build a new customer segment by combining filter names, operators, and values.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. ClickCreate Segment.

  4. Add filters using the text editor or click theFiltersicon, and then do either of the following:

    • 选择一个Shopify-based过滤器的名字,点击Shopify.
    • To select a metafield-based filter name, clickMetafields.
  5. Click a filter name. The filter name is displayed in the editor.

  6. Click an operator.

  7. Click or type a value.

  8. To add another filter, click a connector, and then click another filter name, operator, and value.

  9. To test your segment, clickApply filter. The customers who match the criteria are listed below the editor. The number of customers who match the criteria is displayed above the editor.

  10. Review the list of customers to verify that your customer segment works as expected, and then make any necessary changes.

  11. ClickSave segment, and then enter a name for the segment.

  12. ClickSave.

Your new customer segment is displayed in the segments index.

Manage customer segments

Manage your customer segments by going to the segments index page.

从客户的大小,你可以看到的百分比age of customers in this segment compared to all customers so you can understand the size of this segment. Each time a new customer meets the criteria for the segment, they will automatically be added to the segment. The count on the segments index is updated when you view the segment by going to the segment details page or when an app, like Shopify Email, uses the segment. To view when the count was last updated on the segments index, hover over the count.

The author column shows who created the segment. A segment can be created by Shopify, merchants, or apps.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click on the segment in the list to access the segment details page.
    • Click on search to search segments by name. You can search segments by name and sort segments by segment last activity.
    • Click on the last activity column header to change segment sorting. Last activity shows when this segment was created or when it was last edited.

Create a customer segment using a template

Your Shopify admin includes templates for you to use as a starting point to help you to build your own customer segment. You can add one or more templates to your customer segment.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. Click theTemplatesicon.

  3. From theCATEGORIESlist, click the type of template that you want.

  4. ClickUse this templatenext to the template that you want to use. The corresponding filter names, operators, and values are added to the editor.

  5. Optional: Select a connector, and then add another template to the editor.

  6. In the editor, make the appropriate changes.

  7. To test your segment, clickApply. The customers who match the criteria are listed below the editor. The number of customers who match the criteria is displayed above the editor.

  8. Review the list of customers to verify that your customer segment works as expected, and then make any necessary changes.

  9. ClickSave segment, and then enter a name for the segment.

  10. ClickSave.

You can access your new customer segment on segments index.

Create a customer segment using an existing customer segment

Your Shopify admin includes default segments that display Shopify as the author. You can use these segments or any other segments that you already created as a starting point to help you build a new customer segment.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, click an existing customer segment.

  4. In the editor, make the appropriate changes.

  5. To test your segment, clickApply. The customers who match the criteria are listed below the editor. The number of customers who match the criteria is displayed above the editor.

  6. Review the list of customers to verify that your customer segment works as expected, and then make any necessary changes.

  7. ClickSave segment.

  8. To create a new customer segment, clickSave as new segment, and then enter a new name.

  9. ClickSave.

Your new customer segment is displayed in the segments index.

Edit a customer segment

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, click an existing customer segment.

  4. In the editor, make the appropriate changes.

  5. To test your segment, clickApply. The customers who match the criteria are listed below the editor. The number of customers who match the criteria is displayed above the editor.

  6. Review the list of customers to verify that your customer segment works as expected, and then make any necessary changes.

  7. ClickSave segment.

  8. ClickSave changes, and then clickSave.

Rename a customer segment

Before you attempt to rename a customer segment, verify that no other customer segments are being edited. In the segments index,Draftis displayed next to customer segments when they are being edited.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, select the customer segment that you want to rename.

  4. ClickMore actions.

  5. ClickRename.

  6. Enter a new name for the customer segment.

  7. ClickSave.

Sending an email marketing campaign to a customer segment

TheShopify Emailapp is used to send an email marketing campaign to customers in a selected segment. If you don't have the Shopify Email app installed, then you're prompted to install it the first time that you attempt to send an email campaign.

If you want to create a record of which customers you included in your email campaign, then you can export acustomer CSV filethat only contains the profiles of the customers in the segment that you selected.

Before you begin

If you haven't used the Shopify Email app before, verify that your store meets therequirementsfor using the app.

Send an email marketing campaign to a customer segment

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, click a customer segment.

  4. ClickUse segment.

  5. 如果不cessary, install the Shopify Email app.

  6. ClickSend email.

  7. Create an email campaign.

  8. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  9. ClickSegments.

  10. From the segments index, click a customer segment.

  11. ClickUse segment.

  12. ClickExportto expand the export options.

  13. Select# customers matching your filtersto export only the selected customer segment.

  14. Do either of the following:

    • To use a spreadsheet program to view and edit your customer CSV file, selectCSV for Excel, Numbers, and other spreadsheet programs.
    • To use aplain-text editorto view and edit your customer CSV file, selectPlain CSV file.
  15. ClickExport customers.

Export a customer segment to a CSV file

You can export a customer segment to a customer CSV file. Before you start, review the considerations forcustomer CSV files.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, click a customer segment.

  4. ClickMore actions.

  5. ClickExportto expand the export options.

  6. Do either of the following:

    • To use a spreadsheet program to view and edit your customer CSV file, selectCSV for Excel, Numbers, and other spreadsheet programs.
    • To use aplain-text editorto view and edit your customer CSV file, selectPlain CSV file.
  7. ClickExport customers.

删除a customer segment


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toCustomers.

  2. ClickSegments.

  3. From the segments index, select the customer segment that you want to delete.

  4. ClickMore actions.

  5. Click删除.

  6. To confirm that you want to delete that customer segment, click删除segment.

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