广告ding values to metafields

After you add ametafield definition, you add values for your metafield on the corresponding pages in your Shopify admin. For example, if you create a metafield definition for product expiration date, then you enter the specific values for expiration date on your product pages in your Shopify admin. Adding values to your metafields enables you to save specialized information for internal tracking or for display on your online store.

Pinned metafields are displayed in an editable table on your Shopify admin pages in the same order that they're displayed in yourmetafield definitionslist. Each metafield displays the name that you selected when you created your metafield definition. You can click in each table row to display the metafield type and description, and then enter a value.

Metafields can only accept the supported values for their content type. For more information about supported values for common types of Metafields, refer tometafield content types and values.

Metafield lists allow you to store multiple values in a single metafield. You can add multiple single line text fields or product reference values to a metafield list to organize large data sets, suggest items that work well together, or create more powerful search facets.

Example procedures for adding values to common types of metafields

Which procedure you follow to add values to a metafield depends on the content type for that metafield. For example, metafields for product expiration date and customer birth date both use theDatecontent type.

The following examples describe the steps to add values to Metafields that have different content types.

Next steps after adding values to metafields

After you add values to your metafields, you canconnect your metafields to your themeto display your custom information on your online store.

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