Add a discount to a gift card

You can create discount codes or automatic discounts that apply to specific gift card products or variants. Discounts that apply to collections don't apply to gift cards within the collection.

Discount types for gift cards

You can create a discount that decreases the cost of a gift card in the following ways:

  • By a specified percent, such as 20% of the gift card's face value
  • By a specified amount such as $20 off the gift card's face value

The discount can require a specific purchase before it applies, such as a Buy X Get Y discount, or you can offer the discount with no minimum purchase required.

The following restrictions apply to automatic discounts:

  • You can have only one active automatic discount at a time.
  • Automatic discounts take precedence over discount codes and can't be used at the same time.
  • 客户不能应用多个说counts to a single order.
  • Discount codes are not available to customers who have an automatic discount applied to their checkout.

Customers need to add all of the eligible items to their carts before a discount applies. This includes any items that they need to buy to qualify for the discount, as well as the gift card product.

Create a discount for a percentage off a gift card

You can create a discount for a percentage off of a specific gift card product or variant, for example "Get a $100 gift card for $80". The value of the gift card product or variant is the amount that it can be used for during a future purchase.

You can create a discount code or an automatic discount for a percentage off a gift card.


  1. Add a gift card product.
  2. Create a discount for a percentage offthat includes the following criteria:
    1. In theDiscount valuefield, enter the percentage that you want to discount the gift card. For example, to offer a $100 gift card for $80, enter20%for the discount value.
    2. In theApplies tosection, select the gift card product or variant.
    3. Add any criteria for your specific needs, such as a date range when the discount is valid.
    4. Save, and then test the discount.

Create a Buy X Get Y discount for a free gift card

You can create a Buy X Get Y discount for a free gift card to apply to orders over a minimum value. For example, you can create a "Spend $200, get a free $25 gift card for a future purchase" discount.

Customers who add the eligible products to their cart and spend at least the minimum order value can use the discount.


  1. Add a gift card product.
  2. Create aBuy X Get Y discountthat includes the following criteria:
    1. In the客户花section, add a minimum purchase amount, and then select the products or collections that are eligible for the discount.
    2. In theCustomer getssection, selectAny items fromand add the gift card product or variant. SelectFreefor the discount value.
    3. Optional: CheckSet the maximum number of uses per orderand then enter the maximum number of times that this discount can be applied to an order.
    4. Add any criteria for your specific needs, such as a date range when the discount is valid.
    5. Save, and then test the discount.
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