Setting up the Messenger channel

The Messenger channel lets you connectMessenger for FacebookandMessenger for Instagramto Shopify Inbox. After you install and set up the Messenger channel, you can send and receive messages from Messenger within Inbox.

Before you add the Messenger channel, make sure that you have a Facebook business page.

Install Shopify Inbox

Before you add the Messenger channel, you need to install Shopify Inbox. Shopify Inbox lets you share products and discounts, and manage customer conversations.


  1. Install Shopify Inbox on one of the following mobile devices:
  2. Open Shopify Inbox, and then log in to your Shopify account.

For more information on Shopify Inbox setup, refer toSetting up Shopify Inbox.

Add the Messenger channel to your store

To install theMessenger channel在你的商店,从Shopif下载它y App Store. After the app is installed, you can connectMessenger for FacebookandMessenger for Instagramto Shopify Inbox.

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