Managing markets

Markets help you manage the experience of your brand by assigning different settings to different countries and regions. A market can contain a single country or region, or a group of countries or regions. For example, you can create a market called North America that targets Canada, the United States and Mexico, all with one group of settings. If you have a different group of settings that you want to apply only to Japan, then you can create another market that targets only the country of Japan.

Accessing markets for the first time

If you have access to Shopify Markets immediately after signing up to Shopify, you will have the following markets created for you:

  • Primary market: The main country or region that you will sell to. This is often your home or domestic market, which is determined by your store's address and base currency.
  • 国际市场:一个策划的受欢迎的ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址公司untries or regions that merchants similar to you also sell to.
  • Countries you don't sell to: All other countries or regions that don't belong to another market. Customers in these countries can’t check out from your store.

The international market is inactive by default. This means that customers in these countries can’t check out until you activate the market.

If you were a Shopify merchant prior to Shopify Markets being released, your previous settings are migrated into the following markets:

  • Primary market: The main country or region that you sell to. This is often your home or domestic market, which is determined by your store's address and base currency.
  • Other single-country markets are created for you based on any currencies, international prices, manual foreign exchange rates, or international domains that were previously configured on your store. For example, if your store is based in Canada and the United States Dollar was previously enabled on the store, then a United States market is created for you.
  • International market: All other countries or regions that you ship to but that don’t have local currencies enabled.
  • Countries you don't sell to: All other countries or regions that don't belong to another market. Customers in these countries can’t check out from your store.

If all countries or regions that had a local currency available were previously enabled in your payment settings, then these countries and regions are added to your International market with those local currencies enabled.

You can have a maximum of 50 markets, but some stores may have more than 50 markets after migration. This is based on the amount of unique countries or regions you previously had enabled. You can continue to use these existing markets, but you won't be able to add any additional markets until you have fewer than 50.

We recommend that you combine countries or regions that have a similar pricing strategy into multiple-country markets. For example, if you previously had Canada, the United States, and Mexico enabled in your payment settings, but did not have any customized prices or specific strategies for each country then you can move these three countries into a single market called North America.

Staff permissions required for managing markets

Store staff members can access markets based on a combination of existing permissions. A staff member needs all the following permissions to access theMarketspage.

General permissions:

  • Home
  • Orders (including editing and exporting)
  • Products (including exporting)
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
  • Discounts

Online Store permissions:

  • Domains

Administration permissions:

  • Manage settings

Market types

Primary market

Your primary market is the main country or region that you sell to, and is often your home or domestic market.

Your primary market is determined by your store currency inSettings>Store details, even when your store currency doesn’t match the country that is in the store address section ofSettings>Store details. For example, if your store address indicates the United States, but your shop currency is set to Canadian Dollars, then your primary market is set to Canada.

All changes that you make to your store affect your primary market by default. When you change your product prices or set a new inventory location, the changes apply automatically to your primary market.

Within yourMarketspage, your primary market settings are fixed and can't be edited. When viewing your primary market details, use the direct links to navigate to the other sections of your Shopify admin to manage your settings.

Changing your store currency

Changing your store currency also changes your primary market because your primary market is determined by your store currency.

If you change your store currency, then your primary market is changed to the country or region for that new currency. If the new country already exists in a single-country market, then that single-country market is removed. Your old primary market country is moved to your international market.

For example, if your store currency is set to CAD and you change it to USD, then your primary market is changed to the United States. If you already had a single-market for the United States, then that market is removed. Canada is moved to your international market.

If your store has already made sales, then you need tocontact Shopify Supportto change your store currency.

Learn more aboutchanging your payout currency.

Each country or region can only be a part of one market.

Single-country markets

Single-country markets contain only one country or region. When you create a new single-country market, the base currency for the market is set to the currency for that country. If the currency isnot supported, then the base currency is set to your store's base currency.

You should use single-country markets to sell to countries or regions that you have a specific targeting strategy for. For example, if your primary market is Canada and a significant portion of your international sales begin to come from the United States, then creating a market targeting only the United States can help increase your sales and conversions by giving United States customers a dedicated and localized experience when browsing your store.

Multiple-country markets

Multiple-country markets contain more than one country or region. When you create a multiple-country market, the default base currency is set to your store's base currency, and local currencies are enabled. If youdisable local currenciesfor a multiple-country market, then all customers in that market shop in the market's base currency, or another base currency that you select.

The base currency for a multiple-country market is used to setfixed product prices.

For simplicity, combine countries or regions with similar targeting strategies together into multiple-country markets. For example, you might sell to Germany, France, Belgium, and Italy, and each of these countries share the same product pricing, shipping rates, and domain. In this case, you can create one market that contains all four countries.

International market

An international market is created for you when you first access Shopify Markets. It includes a curated list of countries and regions that other merchants similar to you might sell to. The international market is inactive by default. You can start selling to all countries within the international market by making it active.

Countries and regions you don’t sell to

YourMarketspage includes a market calledCountries/regions you don't sell to. This market is created automatically and can't be deleted. It includes all other countries or regions that you don’t sell to currently. When a customer from any of those countries or regions visits your online store, they view the default language and currency associated with your primary market, but they can't check out.

When you add countries or regions from this market into new markets, they are removed from this list.

Add a market

当你想要定制网店其实欧宝体育官网入口首页ience for customers in a specific region, you can add a new market from theMarketspage. For example, you might want to target a group of countries like North America, or a single country, like Canada. Shopify Markets lets you create the markets that are meaningful to your business.

When adding a new market, recommended markets are suggested based on stores that are similar to yours. These recommendations indicate countries or regions where you're most likely to have success selling, based on data from similar merchants within the same primary market.

If you create a new market that includes countries or regions that are already part of another market, then the new market overrides the existing one. The country or region is added to your new market and is removed from the existing market. If the existing market contains no other countries or regions, then it is deleted automatically, and any associated international prices, domains, subfolders or customizations are also deleted.

If you already ship to all of the countries and regions that are included in a new market, then the market is active by default. Otherwise, the new market is inactive and you need toactivate the marketbefore customers can check out from your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. ClickAdd Market.

  3. Enter aMarket name. This name helps you identify the market within your Shopify admin, and isn't displayed to customers.

  4. ClickAdd countries/regions.

  5. Add the countries and regions that you want to include in this market.

  6. ClickDone, and thenSave.

Preview a market

You can preview the customer experience for a market in your Shopify admin. You can preview active and inactive markets in any language that you have added to that market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. ClickManagebeside the market that you want to preview.

  3. From thePreviewlist, select the language that you want to preview in your online store.

Activate a market

If you don't already ship to all of the countries and regions in a new market, then the market is inactive by default. This means that customers in those countries and regions aren't able to check out from your store.

Before you can activate a market, you need to have shipping rates for all countries and regions in that market. You might want to configure additional market settings, such as domains, languages, currency, and pricing, before you activate the market and begin selling to those countries and regions.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. ClickManagebeside the market that you want to activate.

  3. Click theActivate market.

Deactivate a market

If you no longer want to sell physical products to customers in a particular market, then you can deactivate that market. This action doesn't affect any of your existing orders. When you deactivate a market, all market settings are saved, meaning that you can choose to easily reactivate it at some point in the future. Deactivating a market doesn't change or delete your shipping zones, however, customers from countries in inactive markets can't check out.

If you deactivate a market that had a top level domain or subdomain associated with it, then that domain will automatically redirect customers to your primary market’s domain. However, deactivating a market that was set up withsubfolderswill cause those subfolder URLs to stop working. It’s recommended that youset up redirectsto ensure customers can still access your storefront.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. ClickManagebeside the market that you want to deactivate.

  3. From theMore actionslist, click theDeactivate market.

  4. Click theDeactivate来确认。

Remove a market

You can remove a market from yourMarketspage. This prevents customers in that market from checking out with physical products, andsubfolder URLsno longer work, but it doesn't affect existing orders. Removing a market deletes the market permanently.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. ClickManagebeside the market that you want to delete.

  3. From theMore actionslist, clickRemove market.

  4. ClickRemove来确认。

编辑ing the countries or regions within an existing market

You can add or remove countries or regions within your existing markets as your cross-border selling strategy changes.

Add a country or region to an existing market

You can add countries or regions to an existing market. For example, if you're already selling to France and Germany in a multiple-country market, then you might decide that you want to start selling to Italy as well. You can add Italy to your existing multiple-country market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.
  2. ClickManagenext to the market you want to add an additional country or region to.
  3. Click编辑, and then clickAdd countries/regions.
  4. Search for the country or region that you want to add and select the checkbox next to its name.
  5. ClickDone, and then clickSave.

Removing a country or region from an existing market

You can remove countries or regions from an existing market. For example, you might have a North America market that contains the United States, Canada, and Mexico. You've tried all you can to be successful in Canada, but sales aren't what you expected them to be, and you decide to focus your efforts elsewhere. In this case, you can remove Canada from the North America market. This moves Canada toCountries/regions you don't sell toand customers from Canada can no longer check out.

如果你想删除从一个国家或地区existing market and add it to its own market, instead of the steps below follow the steps foradding a new market. For example, if you have a multiple-country market that contains all countries within the European Union, and your sales have been growing quickly in Germany, then you might decide to have a more targeted strategy for the sales in Germany.Adding a new marketfor Germany creates a dedicated market for Germany, while maintaining all other European Union countries in the original multiple-country market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.
  2. ClickManagenext to the market you want to remove a country or region from.
  3. Click编辑.
  4. Remove the countries or regions that you no longer want to sell to in this market.
  5. ClickSave.

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