Setting up Facebook and Instagram by Meta

Before you can start selling on Facebook or create Facebook ad campaigns in Shopify, you need to set up Facebook and Instagram by Meta.

Facebook and Instagram by Meta has one product catalog for Facebook Marketing, Instagram Shopping, and Facebook shop. All products in your catalog are available to all three features. If you make a product unavailable, then the product is removed from all three features.

Basic requirements

Facebook and Instagram by Meta is available on all Shopify plans. Before you start using Facebook and Instagram by Meta, you need to set up a Facebook Business Manager that's connected to both your business's Facebook Page and an ad account that has an admin role for the Business Manager.

If you have a personal ad account, then you need to connect it to a Business Manager. If you've never run ads with your personal ad account, then you need tocreate a new ad account inside Business Managerbefore you can create Facebook ad campaigns. Learn more aboutBusiness Managerandad accountsfrom the Facebook Ads Help Center.

If you don't have a Business Manager, then you can set one up when you're setting up Facebook and Instagram by Meta.

Facebook Page settings

The following requirements need to be met on Facebook before you can connect your Facebook Page:

  • Your Facebook account needs to have anadmin roleon the Page.
  • The Facebook page needs to bepublished.
  • You can be an admin on multiple Facebook pages, and access them all using a single Facebook Business Manager. However, every Facebook business page can only be owned by a single Facebook Business Manager. You need to be the admin of both the Facebook Business Manager that owns a specific Facebook page and the Facebook page itself to connect it with Facebook and Instagram by Meta in Shopify.

Learn how tocreate a Facebook Page for your businessat the Facebook help center.

You also need to sell by using a Shopify online store, and your store can't be password protected. Learn how toremove your online store password.

Channel eligibility

你需要安装Facebook和Instagram的元to have a Facebook account and an online store. If you don't have a Facebook account when you install Facebook and Instagram by Meta in your Shopify admin, then you'll be prompted to sign up for one.

You might need to change your store's settings before you can add a sales channel because of specific eligibility requirements.

If your store isn't eligible for a sales channel, then the channel appears asUnavailablein your Shopify admin. ClickYou can't add this channelto see why your store isn't eligible.

Install and set up Facebook and Instagram by Meta


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings>Apps and sales channels.
  2. From theApps and sales channelspage, clickShopify App Store.
  3. If applicable, then log in to continue to the Shopify App Store.
  4. From the Shopify App Store, search forFacebook了解更多关于销售渠道。
  5. ClickAdd channelorAdd app.

  1. ClickStart set upon the feature that you want to install first.
  2. ClickConnect account.
  3. Sign in to your Facebook account.
  4. Connect the Facebook assets that are required to set up the features that you want.
  5. 接受terms and conditions.
  6. ClickFinish setup.

After you set up a feature on Facebook and Instagram by Meta, the Facebook assets that you connect are already completed for the set up of additional features. Some additional assets, such as an Ad Account for Facebook Marketing, might be required to complete the set up of certain features.

For more details on setting up Facebook and Instagram by Meta features, refer to:

Adding staff to Facebook and Instagram by Meta

If staff set up the channel in their Shopify admin, then Facebook and Instagram by Meta is displayed to all other staff but it won't appear as connected.

If staff need to use Facebook and Instagram by Meta, then they need to connect to Facebook and Instagram by Meta in their Shopify admin, using their own Facebook account. The staff's Facebook account must have admin permission on the Business Manager and Facebook page associated with the Shopify store to be able to successfully connect to Facebook and Instagram by Meta.

Authorizing Facebook and Instagram by Meta for your Facebook account

When you set up Facebook and Instagram by Meta, you give Shopify permission to access a Facebook Page for your business, as well as a Facebook ad account and Business Manager. The Facebook Page connects to your personal Facebook account, but Shopify uses your personal Facebook account information only to access the Facebook Page, Ads Manager account, and Facebook Business Manager.

Understanding roles and permissions on Facebook

On Facebook, you need an admin role for a Page and Business Manager before you can access all of Facebook's settings and make certain changes. Pages and Business Managers have separate account permissions, which means that you need admin roles for each one. The Business Manager that you select in Facebook and Instagram by Meta must be the owner of the Facebook page during onboarding. If the Facebook Page is owned by a different Business Manager, then the Facebook Page isn't listed as an option to connect. If you can't connect a desired Facebook Page, then check that the Facebook Business Manager you are connecting owns the Facebook page, or try connecting a different Business Manager.

You can find anoverview of Facebook roles and permissionsand links to more resources on the Facebook Help Center.

Additional help from the Facebook Help Center

If you need help with troubleshooting your Facebook account setup, then see the following articles from the Facebook Help Center:

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