Handshake marketplace shutdown frequently asked questions

On October 27, 2023, Handshake marketplace is shutting down. Starting October 11, 2023, no purchases can be made on the handshake.com website. On October 27, 2023, all functionality on the Handshake website and sales channel will shut down.

If you have questions about the Handshake marketplace shutdown, then review the following frequently asked questions and their answers.

Why is the Handshake marketplace shutting down?

Shopify is on a mission to make commerce better for everyone. That means providing merchants with the best choices for buying and selling wholesale, including B2B on Shopify, Collective, and the Faire wholesale marketplace.

What happens after Handshake marketplace shuts down?

You won't be able to access the handshake.com website, theHandshake for Suppliers销售渠道,Handshake: Buy Wholesaleapp. On October 27, 2023, the Handshake sales channel and app will automatically be uninstalled from your Shopify admin.

What should I do if I want to continue my wholesale business in Shopify?

If you're using Handshake to buy or sell wholesale, then you can use the following options to migrate your business to:

  • For advanced wholesale selling capabilities built right into the core of Shopify, refer to theB2B on Shopify.
  • For a marketplace-style experience where you can discover new products to purchase wholesale, or sell your products in a wholesale marketplace, refer to theFaire: Buy Wholesaleapp, or theFaire: Sell Wholesalesales channel.
  • To connect with other Shopify merchants and sell each other’s products without buying inventory up front, refer to theShopify Collective.

How can I access my historical order data after Handshake shuts down?

For suppliers

Your Handshake order history remains in your Shopify admin and isn't affected by the Handshake marketplace shutdown. To access your Handshake historical orders, you can add theHandshakechannel filter to your order view in your Shopify admin.

For retailers

You can access your order history in the following ways:

  • Until October 27, 2023, you can log in to handshake.com to review your order history and make a note of any details that you want to keep.
  • The order confirmation emails that you received when you placed an order contain the details of the items you purchased, such as the quantity and cost.
  • Your supplier might have sent you an invoice that confirms the details of your order.

How should I manage any outstanding orders on Handshake?

Retailers can still place orders on Handshake until October 11, 2023. Suppliers can fulfill any outstanding orders until October 27, 2023.

Can I still get approved to transact on the Handshake marketplace?

No, all pending applications to transact on the Handshake marketplace aren't approved anymore.

What should I do with the Handshake widget and Shop Wholesale button?

If you're using theHandshake widget or the Shop Wholesale buttonin your online store, then you need to remove them from your store. The Handshake widget and Shop Wholesale button will stop working on October 11, 2023.

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