About Us page

You can add an "About Us" page to your online store to tell the story of your business, and help your customers connect to your brand. If you need help with writing a title or content for your "About Us" page, then you canuse Shopify Magic to automatically generate content.

Consider the goals of your About Us page

当你命令e your "About Us" page, consider the following goals:

  • Be motivating - Consider what you want your customers to do, and how you want them to feel after reading the page. For example, you might want to inspire customers to join your mailing list to learn more about your products.
  • Be authentic - Use a unique, honest voice to tell the story of your business. Consider writing about the values that drive your business, the story of its growth and challenges, and the goals of your business. For example, you might tell the story of how your own experienced helped you discover a product need. If you struggle to write in an authentic voice, then try recording your speech and copying it down as a first draft.
  • Be engaging - Use pictures or videos to break up the text and help your customers relate to your business. For example, you might include photos of your team, or video testimonials from past customers.

Information to include in your About Us page

当你命令e your "About Us" page, you should include information about your business, products, or customers that will motivate your customers. Consider whether any of the following examples would make a good addition to your "About Us" page:

  • What you sell - anything that makes your products unique
  • Why you sell it - your company mission or values
  • Who you are - your company, your founder, or your producers
  • Who you're selling to - your approach to customer service or customer satisfaction
  • What makes your business stand out - specific expertise, customer testimonials, or additional services

Don't forget to include a specific request for your customers that matches the goal of the page, otherwise known as a call-to-action. For example, you could include a newsletter sign-up form or social media follow buttons on your "About Us" page.

Add an About Us page to your Shopify online store

When you're ready, you can add an "About Us" page to your online store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings>Apps and sales channels.

  2. From theApps and sales channelspage, click欧宝体育官网入口首页.

  3. ClickOpen sales channel.

  4. ClickPages.

  5. ClickAdd page.

  6. Enter a title and content for the page.

  7. In theVisibilitysection, select when the page should be published. By default, your new page is visible after you clickSave. Select theHiddenoption if you want your new page to be hidden from your online store, or clickSet a specific publish datetocontrol when your page is published.

  8. ClickSave.

After you create your "About Us" page, you need toadd a link to it from your online store navigationto display it in a menu on your store.

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