Fulfillment bulk actions

You can use bulk actions to affect the fulfillment of several orders at the same time. Bulk actions that affect an order's fulfillment take some additional time to complete. When you use one of these actions, an indicator panel in your admin displays the progress of the actions. To minimize the panel, clickHide panel.

If the action is completed successfully on all selected orders, then the panel is removed and a success message is displayed. If the action couldn't be completed for some orders, then the progress panel displays the number of orders that the action failed for. ClickView审核orders for which the action wasn't completed.

If you select more than 250 orders to perform a bulk action on, then some functionality might not be available, depending on the action you're performing.

Mark as unfulfilled

TheMark as unfulfilledbulk action changes an order's fulfillment status toUnfulfilled.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. On theOrderspage, select the orders to mark as unfulfilled.

  3. Click..., and then selectMark as unfulfilled.

  4. Select the orders to mark as unfullfilled based on fulfillment methods.

  5. ClickMark as unfulfilled.

An indicator in your admin displays the progress of marking orders as unfulfilled.

Learn more about fulfillment status.

Cancel order

TheCancel orderbulk action cancels orders that customers have placed in your store.

When you cancel an order, you have the option to send a refund to your customer. Refunds can only be issued for orders that have been paid. If an order has already had payment voided, has had payment authorized but not captured, or is in payment pending status, then the order can be cancelled but a refund is not sent to the customer.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. On theOrderspage, select the orders to cancel.

  3. Click..., and then selectCancel order.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To issue a full refund to your customers for the canceled orders immediately, selectNow.
    • To issue a full or partial refund to your customers later, selectLater.
  5. Optional: Select补充库存to return the products in canceled orders to your inventory.

  6. Optional: SelectSend a notification to the customersto send customers a notification that their orders have been canceled.

  7. ClickCancel orders.

An indicator in your admin displays the progress of the order cancellations.

Learn more about canceling orders.

Request fulfillment

TheRequest fulfillmentbulk action sends a request to fulfillment services to fulfill the selected orders.

A fulfillment order can have only one fulfillment service attached to it. TheRequest fulfillmentbulk action can affect orders set to be fulfilled by multiple fulfillment services, but the action can't change which fulfillment service is used for those orders.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. On theOrderspage, select the orders to fulfill.

  3. Click..., and then selectRequest fulfillment.

  4. If there are multiple fulfillment services, then select the services to send fulfillment requests to. The default fulfillment service for each fulfillment receives the request.

  5. Optional: SelectSend notifications to customers when fulfilledto send an email to customers when their order has been fulfilled.

  6. ClickRequest fulfillment.

An indicator in your admin displays the progress of the fulfillment requests.

Learn more about requesting fulfillment.

Cancel fulfillment request

TheCancel fulfillment requestbulk action sends an email to fulfillment services to cancel a fulfillment request in progress. This changes the status of selected orders toUnfulfilled. You can then purchase a new shipping label or or fulfill the order manually.

A fulfillment order can have only one fulfillment service attached to it. TheCancel fulfillment requestbulk action can affect orders set to be fulfilled by multiple fulfillment services, but the action can't change which fulfillment service is used for those orders.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. On theOrderspage, select the orders to cancel fulfillment for. These orders must have aFulfillment statusofIn progress.

  3. Click..., and then selectCancel fulfillment request.

  4. If there are multiple fulfillment services, then select the services to send cancellation requests to. The default fulfillment service for each fulfillment receives the request.

  5. ClickCancel requests.

An indicator in your admin displays the progress of the cancellation requests.

Learn more about canceling fulfillments.

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