Viewing users in Organization Settings

TheUserssection of Organization Settings lists all the people who are associated with your organization.

You can filter theUserslist in several ways, including by type or by status.

User types in Organization Settings

The following table describes the different types of users in your Shopify organization.

Description of Organization Settings user types
Type Description
Organization owner

的organization owner is the first person who is given access to Organization Settings.

By default, this organization owner is given all accesses, and always has theUserspermission. As a result, the organization owner can give any staff member access to any store and any permission in your organization.

的organization owner can't be removed, suspended, or deleted. To change the organization owner, contact Shopify Plus Support.

Staff Members of your organization who are staff in your stores, or who have access to Organization Settings.
Collaborators Shopify partners who have access to one or more of your organization's Shopify stores.
POS app-only Members of your organization who are Shopify POS app-only staff.
Legacy staff

Members of your organization who have multiple, uncombined store accounts.

Shopify uses a single login called Shopify ID. You can't give organization management permissions to staff who are labelledLegacy staffuntil theycombine their accounts. Staff who have access to multiple stores and who have combined their accounts are displayed as a single user in your user list.

Collaborators and Shopify POS app-only users can't combine their accounts. If these users have multiple store staff accounts, then they're displayed multiple times in theUserslist.

User status in Organization Settings

The following table describes the statuses that staff in your organization can have.

Description of Organization Settings user status
Category Description
Active Staff who can log in to Organization Settings or to a store in your organization, according to the permissions that they've been given.
Suspended Staff who can't access Organization Settings or any of your stores.
Pending Staff who can't access any part of your organization until they accept their invitation. These users could have been invited either from Organization Settings or directly from a store. If a user was invited from Organization Settings, then you can resend an invitation, if necessary.
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