
Multibanco is an online to offline payment method local to Portugal for Shopify Payments. A customer begins an order online, and then completes the payment in person at a Multibanco location.

A customer has 7 days to complete payment from the date they make an order. If the payment is not complete after 7 days, then their order is canceled.

Multibanco requirements

Multibanco is available only to merchants in Portugal. To activate Multibanco for your online store, you need to use Shopify Payments. Multibanco works only when Shopify Payments is active, and it doesn't work when Shopify Payments is in test mode.

Customers can pay using Multibanco only when they're making payment in euros (EUR), and they're located in Portugal. You need to ensure that your store accepts EUR. If you're not already selling to these countries, then you can configure this in yourmulti currencysettings within Shopify Markets.

You need to deactivate any conflictingalternative payment gatewaysbefore you can enable Multibanco.

Regions where customers can pay using Multibanco

Merchants in Portugal can accept Multibanco payments from customers in Portugal.

Activating Multibanco

Before Multibanco can be activated, you have toset up Shopify Payments. Multibanco is automatically activated with Shopify Payments for stores located in Portugal.

Multibanco needs to be approved before you can use it. When you activate Shopify Payments, Multibanco automatically goes into the approval process, which takes up to 48 hours.

When Multibanco completes the approval process, a message appears below the Multibanco option on yourShopify Paymentspage.

Payments with Multibanco

With Multibanco the payment is authorized when a customer places an order and uses Multibanco to pay. A customer has up to 7 days to complete payment for their order at a Multibanco location. Funds aren't guaranteed until they have been received by you. During this period, the payment status in the Shopify admin shows asPayment pending. The payment status switches toPaidwhen the payment is completed by a customer. If a customer doesn't complete payment within 7 days, then their order is canceled. You can decide whether you want to fulfil their order before you have received the funds or not. The payment details can expire before a customer makes the payment so you might want to wait for payment confirmation before fulfillment.

A customer can't cancel a payment with Multibanco after the payment has been authorized. To reverse a transaction with Multibanco, refund the order. If you refund a transaction that was processed by Multibanco, then you aren't refunded the processing fee charged to you by Shopify Payments.

When a customer pays for an order using Multibanco, a chargeback can't be filed for that order.

Multibanco customer experience

When a customer visits your online store and makes a purchase, a Multibanco payment option is displayed during the checkout process.

If your customer wants to use Multibanco to pay, then they select it during checkout. When they select Multibanco, a customer is informed that payment is completed in person at a Multibanco location within 7 days of placing an order. A customer is given the reference number, entity number, and correct amount to complete the transaction at a Multibanco location. If a customer doesn't complete payment within 7 days, then their order will be canceled.

Update your order confirmation emails

If you're using customized confirmation emails, then you need to update your templates to include Multibanco. These steps ensure that Multibanco reference number and entity number are sent to your customer's email.


  1. 从你的Shopify admin, go toSettings>Notifications.
  2. ClickOrder confirmation.
  3. Locate the line

    {{ email_body }}

  4. Copy and paste this code snippet in the next line:



  1. ClickSave.

You cancreate a test orderwith Multibanco to ensure that your order confirmation emails are working correctly.

Learn more about自定义电子邮件通知模板.

Deactivate Multibanco

  1. 从你的Shopify admin, go toSettings>Payments.
  2. In theShopify Paymentssection, clickManage.
  3. In theAccepted paymentssection, uncheck Multibanco, and then clickSave.

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