Hiding out-of-stock products

You can useautomated collectionsto hide out-of-stock products from your customers. You cando this manuallyon theCollectionspage of your Shopify admin, or use an inventory management app to do it for you.

You might also want to hide products in your store's defaultCatalogcollection.

Hide out-of-stock products from your collections

Before you can hide out-of-stock products from your collections, you need to enable inventory tracking in your Shopify admin. Inventory tracking automatically keeps track of the inventory level of each product that you carry.


  1. Enable inventory tracking for your products.

  2. Change the automated collection conditionsfor each of your collections, and add the following conditions:

    • ForProducts must match, selectall conditions.
    • ForInventory stock, selectis greater thanand enter0.


This procedure makes sure that your automated collections don't contain any products that are out of stock, and that those products won't appear to your customers. Any out-of-stock products will appear in your collections again after you receive inventory.

Hide out-of-stock products in your default Catalog collection

By default, your store comes with a collection that shows all your in-stock products at the URLyour-store.myshopify.com/collections/all. You can hide out-of-stock products from this collection.


  1. Take control of your Catalog page byoverriding it with your own automated collection.
  2. Set the automated conditionsof that collection to hide out-of-stock products.

Hide out-of-stock products using an app

If you don't want tochange your automated collectionsso that out-of-stock products are hidden, then you can try using aninventory management appfrom the Shopify App Store instead. Some of these apps can automatically hide or delete products from your store when they're out of stock.

Hide out-of-stock products using Shopify Flow

You cancreate a workflowto automate actions on products based on their inventory level.

If you already use Flow, then you can use theInventory quantity changedtrigger to start a workflow that checks theProduct variant inventory quantitycondition and includes theHide productaction.

Learn more about inventory and merchandising workflows.

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