Adding alt text to media

Alt (alternative) text describes a media item and is an important part of a product description. If a media item can't load for any reason, then alt text is shown instead. It's also used by assistive technology to describe an image to a customer who's visually impaired. Including alt text can boost yourwebsite's SEO.

Keep your alt text brief and descriptive. The maximum length is 512 characters, but 125 or less is recommended.

You can alsoupload alt text in a CSV file.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toProducts.

  2. 点击产品的名称,你想edit.

  3. From the product details page, click a product media item to see thePreview mediapage.

  4. ClickAdd alt text.

  5. Enter your alt text, and then clickSave alt text.

  6. Click theXto exit the preview page.

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