Retailer standards and seller ratings

To use Buy on Google on the Google & YouTube channel, your Shopify store needs to maintain good retailer standards, and achieve a high Google seller rating.


零售商年代tandards are a measurement of how your business is performing while using Buy on Google. These standards also identify where your business can improve while using Buy on Google. If your rating is low, then Google emails you to let you know, and tells you the main reason for your low rating so that you can improve it.

Your Retailer Standards are determined using sources including Item defect rate, Shipping defect rate, Delivery defect rate, and Return defect rate:

  • Item defect rate: If you cancel an item in an order, don't fulfill an order within your provided handling time, or your product receives a low rating, then your Item defect rate is affected.
  • Shipping defect rate: If an order is shipped later than your provided handling time, delivered later than your provided handling time, or has a missing or incorrect tracking number, then your Shipping defect rate is affected.
  • Delivery defect rate: If an order is shipped on time, but is delivered late or by an inappropriate shipping service, then your Delivery defect rate is affected.
  • Return defect rate: If an order is returned, but is not processed within 2 business days or has problems with its tracking number, then your Return defect rate is affected.

To maintain trust with your customers, keep your Retailer Standards high. If you consistently receive low ratings, then your Buy on Google account might be suspended.

For more information on Retailer Standards, refer toAbout Buy on Google Retailer Standards and policies谷歌商业中心的帮助。

Google seller ratings

When you sell using Buy on Google, your seller rating is a measure of your performance. Your seller rating is determined using sources including Google Customer Reviews, and your零售商年代tandards.

To maintain trust with your customers, keep your seller standards high.

For more information on Google seller ratings, refer toSeller ratings谷歌商业中心的帮助。

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