
Shopify Audiences uses benchmarks to compare your store's campaign performance relative to similar stores over the last 30 days. This data includes performance from all your campaigns during that time, not just those targeting Shopify audience lists.

Benchmarks data is made up of other Shopify Audiences app users who have activated data sharing with the audience network and have connected their ad platform accounts.

Available benchmarks

Benchmark data is available for the following metrics:

Shopify Audiences benchmark definitions
Metric Definition
平均订单value Your sales relative to the number of orders placed that are attributed to an ad.
Click through rate The number of clicks your ads received divided by the number of impressions.
Conversion rate The number of orders attributed to an ad divided by the number of clicks the ad received.
Cost per 1000 impressions The average cost you've paid for 1000 impressions on your ads.
Cost per click The average cost you've paid for each click on your ads.
Cost per acquisition The average cost you've paid for each order attributed to your ads.

Benchmark calculation

Benchmarks are created based on cohorts of stores similar to yours. The following factors are considered in defining similarity:

  • 平均订单value of the stores
  • Types of products sold

For each benchmark metric, three numbers make up your standing as compared to similar stores. These numbers are median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile. To view expanded details of your standing for each metric, hover over the percentile graph.

Common terms

Shopify Audiences benchmark common terms
Term Definition
Median The value that represents the midpoint of stores similar to you. 50% of stores have a higher value and 50% have a lower value than the median.
25th percentile The value that represents the 25th percentile of stores similar to you. 75% of stores have a higher value.
75th percentile The value that represents the 75th percentile of stores similar to you. 25% of stores have a higher value.

Requirements for benchmarks

Benchmark metrics for your store display when the following conditions apply:

  • You have connected your Meta account more than 48 hours ago.
  • You have at least 20 conversions attributed to Meta ads in the last 30 days.
  • You haven't paused your current ad campaign within the last 30 days.
  • There are enough similar stores in your benchmark cohort to provide a meaningful benchmark. A benchmark might not be available if there isn't a sufficient number of similar stores to yours.

If you believe you meet these qualifications but still don't have benchmarks displayed, then report the issue usingthis form.

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