Email cart details to customer

With Email cart for Shopify POS, you can create a cart and send your customer an email that lets them complete their checkout online. The email includes a summary of the customer's cart and a link to your store's online checkout.

After the email is sent, the order is saved as a draft in Shopify until the customer clicks the link and completes the checkout. When the customer has paid for their cart, the draft is saved as a completed order on the订单page in Shopify.

When you use Email cart for Shopify POS on an iOS device, you can view sales attribution for Email cart orders. The sale is attributed to the staff logged in through their email to Shopify POS when the Email cart email is sent. Email carts can't track staff signed in under PIN. You can track staff sales in the销售人员的报告.

You can send an email for a cart only if you're accepting payment for the entire order. You can't accept partial payment in person, and then send an Email cart email to collect the balance.


  1. From the Shopify POS checkout, add the customer's choice of products to the cart.
  2. Optional:Customizethe cart as needed.
  3. When you're ready to send the email, tapMore actions
  4. TapSend cart.
  5. Enter the customer's email address.

  6. Optional: Enter a message that will be included in the email.

  7. TapSend.

The order is saved as a draft order in Shopify and the customer receives an Email cart email. The email contains a link to a checkout where the customer can pay for their cart. When the customer pays for their cart, an order is created in Shopify.

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