Shopify Fulfillment Network fulfillment requirements

For Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) to accurately process your Shopify orders, make sure that you meet thefulfillment requirementsand条形码requirements. If you need to change your product settings, such as the SKU, then contact the Fulfillment Success team before you make the change.

Fulfillment requirements

SFN fulfills orders only if they meet they following conditions:

  • the product variants have the following attributes:
    • SKU exists in your Shopify admin
    • SKU is unique
    • variant identifier is unique
    • barcode can't be empty
    • barcode is in a recognized format such as UPC
    • barcode field matches the barcode on the physical product
    • variantinventory is set to be managed by SFN
    • all inventory for the order is available
  • theshipping address on the order is valid
  • the order is unfulfilled
  • the order is marked as paid, or, if the order comes through Google or Facebook and Instagram by Meta, then the payment is authorized
  • you're up to date on your billing and have access to your store

If you have an app installed that marks your Shopify orders as fulfilled, then those fulfilled orders are ignored by SFN.

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