Fees and delays for non-compliant shipments to Shopify Fulfillment Network

Shipments to Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) are considered non-compliant when they don't meet one or more SFN requirements. Fees are charged for the extra resources needed to process your shipment, and processing might be delayed.

Types of non-compliance fees and their descriptions.
Fee type Fee description Fee amount
Non-scannable, missing, or incorrect barcodes A fee is charged for each item that doesn't have a correct and legible barcode.

$0.45 USD processing fee per unit

Inaccurate shipping plan quantities Fees are charged if the shipment SKUs and quantities are different than what you submit on the inbound transfer. $0.30 USD processing fee per unit
Non-scannable, missing, or duplicate box content labels A fee is charged for each non-scannable, missing, or duplicate box content label for an inbound shipment. 1.75美元每label

The following sections explain the possible causes of non-compliance and how to prevent non-compliant shipments when you send inventory to SFN.

Shipment is missing the transfer label

This non-compliance issue occurs when the SFN transfer label is missing from a box or pallet. SFN staff need this label to match the shipment to a Shopify store.

To prevent this issue, make sure that youprint and add a transfer labelto every box and pallet.

Shipment is missing tracking information

This non-compliance issue occurs when an unexpected Small Parcel shipment arrives without tracking information. Tracking information is needed for SFN staff to plan warehouse personnel and space for receiving your shipment. Tracking information also helps SFN to match your shipment with the correct transfer or find a lost package.

To prevent this issue, after you ship your products, make sure that youadd tracking informationto your inbound transfer in the SFN app.

No freight appointment is scheduled in advance

This non-compliance issue occurs when a Freight shipment arrives without a scheduled delivery appointment. SFN needs a delivery appointment to effectively plan warehouse personnel and space for receiving your shipment.

To prevent this issue, when your Freight shipment is in transit, contact your fulfillment center hub to create a delivery appointment.

Different product variants are mixed together

This non-compliance issue occurs when your boxes contain multiple product variants that aren't separated into inner cases. Mixing product variants requires a manual count of each item and slows down SFN's ability to quickly and accurately receive your products.

To prevent this issue, make sure that youpack and label your productsaccording to SFN guidelines.

Shipment contains ineligible products

This non-compliance issue occurs when your shipment contains a product that isn'teligible for fulfillment with SFN. SFN doesn't support products that result in operational issues, a legal liability, or a safety liability.

To prevent this issue, before you ship your products, make sure that you remove any products on therestricted or prohibited list.

Product isn't listed on the inbound transfer

This non-compliance issue occurs when a product arrives that isn't added to your inbound transfer in the SFN app. SFN staff use inbound transfers to accurately identify, track, and store your products.

To prevent this issue, make sure that youadd all products to the inbound transferbefore you send your shipment.

Product is missing a barcode

This non-compliance issue occurs when a product doesn't have a barcode attached. SFN staff need barcodes to identify and track your products.

To prevent this issue, make sure that youattach a barcodeto every product that you send to SFN.

Barcode is assigned to the wrong product

This non-compliance issue occurs when a product's barcode is assigned to the wrong product. When your barcodes don't match the product they're attached to, your customers might receive the wrong product.

To prevent this issue, make sure that youassign a unique barcodeto each product in your Shopify admin.

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