Shopify Fulfillment Network overview

Before you begin using Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN), you need to make sure that your products are suitable for SFN and that your business is set up properly to fulfill orders for your customers.

Some items aren't suitable for SFN. For example, perfumes or scented products require prior approval before they can be sent to SFN. Other items, such as ammunition or medication, are prohibited and can't be stored or fulfilled by SFN.

If your store is located in the United States, and you use SFN to fulfill internationally, then your store needs to meet certain requirements to make sure that the correct import fees and taxes are assessed.

You can also automate your SFN tasks by setting upShopify Flow, a free platform that lets you automate tasks and processes within your Shopify store and across your apps including SFN.

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