Product eligibility for Shopify Fulfillment Network

Most items can be stored and fulfilled by Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN). However, to comply with local laws, shipping regulations, and warehouse safety requirements, some items are restricted or prohibited from SFN.

Before you send inventory to SFN, make sure that your products meet SFN product eligibility requirements. You can check the eligibility of your items when youadd products to your SFN app.除了eligib SFN产品ility requirements, products prohibited by theShopify Acceptable Use Policywon't be accepted into SFN.

If you're not sure about a product's eligibility, thencontact SFN support

Product dimensions

Products fulfilled by SFN must meet the following size requirements:

  • Weight 50 lbs or less
  • Longest side 40" or less
  • Median side 30" or less
  • Shortest side 15" or less

Ship in Own Container (SIOC)

Products that weigh more than 20 lbs or are larger than following dimensions must be sent in ready to ship:

  • Longest side 18" or more
  • Median side 14" or more
  • Shortest side 8" or more

At a minimum, SIOC products need to be able to fit a 4x6 shipping label.

International shipping

Product must meet the following requirements to be eligible for fulfillment for destinations outside of the United States:

  • Weight 20 lbs or less
  • Longest side 40" or less
  • Median side 24" or less
  • Shortest side 15" or less

Products that have a dimensional weight greater than 20 lbs are also ineligible for international shipment. Learn how dimensional weight is calculatedhere

Fragile products

Fragile products can be shipped with SFN. When checking eligibility, make sure to mark a product as fragile if it requires special handling. If a product is marked as fragile, then the warehouse will use boxes instead of other packaging to safely ship the package.

Product doesn't need special handling and storage

SFN warehouse environments maintain an ambient temperature. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't have any of the following requirements:

  • directional storage
  • rolling or packing to prevent crushing
  • sterilized location
  • temperature requirements, such as heat, refrigeration, or freezing

Product doesn't need serial number tracking

SFN can't trace products for legal compliance or product recalls. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't require any advanced inventory tracking, such as serial numbers.

Product isn't alcohol

SFN doesn't store or ship regulated products that pose operational, legal, or safety risks. For example, to be eligible for SFN, your product can't belong to alcohol categories.

Product doesn't contain plants or animals

SFN doesn't support products that contain plant or animal matter. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't contain any of the following materials:

  • agricultural products
  • live or dead animals and animal skins
  • live, dead, or dried plants
  • soil and soil-enriching products

Product isn't a beauty or medical item

SFN doesn't store or ship regulated products that pose operational, legal, or safety risks. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't belong to any of the following categories:

  • pharmaceutical products
  • prescription drugs and medications
  • medical devices
  • nutritional supplements and other pseudo pharmaceuticals
  • soaps or hair products
  • toiletries
  • beauty supplies
  • any equipment used to produce, conceal, and consume illicit drugs

Product doesn't contain lithium or lead acid batteries, microchips, and hazardous electronic parts

SFN has discretion to reject hazardous electronic products. SFN might require that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet to confirm the hazard status of your product. Your manufacturer or supplier can supply this information. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't be classified as hazardous by theU.S. Department of transportation, or contain any of the following parts:

  • central processing units (CPUs)
  • engines
  • hoverboards
  • lead acid batteries
  • lithium batteries, loose or packaged
  • magnetized materials
  • microchips and processors
  • mobile phones

Product doesn't contain any hazardous materials

SFN has sole discretion to classify and reject any hazardous product. SFN may require that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet to confirm the hazard status of your product. Your manufacturer or supplier can supply this information. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't belong to any of the following categories:

  • items marked as hazardous or dangerous by the manufacturer
  • has consumer safety warnings or recalls
  • flammable, combustible, or explosive, such as fireworks, flares, or lighters
  • flammable liquids, such as lighter fluid, propane, propylene, perfume, or hand sanitizer
  • flammable solids, such as aluminum metal and uranium
  • raw chemicals
  • corrosive or oxidizing materials, such as bleach, peroxide, or chlorine
  • fertilizers and pesticides
  • poisons and infectious substances
  • radioactive materials
  • contains biohazards or contagions
  • adhesives, pastes, or scented materials
  • pressurized canisters, including aerosols

Product isn't illegal or regulated

SFN doesn't accept products related to illegal activities, products with legal restrictions, or products prohibited by law in the place of origin, the destination, or any sites through which the products may travel. To be eligible for SFN, your product can't belong to any of the following categories:

  • ammunition
  • firearm, or firearm parts, including BB and airsoft guns
  • counterfeit items
  • gambling devices
  • hemp or cannabidiol (CBD) products, and any derivative products of the marijuana plant
  • illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured
  • loose precious stones or metals
  • magnetized materials
  • means of payment, such as stamps or cash
  • military or law enforcement equipment, such as protective gear, restraints, or night-vision devices
  • tobacco or nicotine products
  • products containing ivory
  • products containing tobacco or nicotine
  • smoking and vaping paraphernalia, including e-cigarettes
  • unauthorized marketing materials
  • weapons, such as knives, pepper spray, or tasers


"Adult use only," adult-oriented, or adult-themed products are restricted unless they meet the discreet packaging requirements:

  • Discreet packaging should be opaque with no visibility to the product
  • Products with transparent packaging must not have any explicit sexual images or words
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