Online store editor for Shopify Mobile

After installing theShopify app, you can log in to your account and start running your store from your mobile device.

You can manage your online store from your mobile device with the Shopify app. The app features an online store overview page that allows you to edit your store, modify content, and publish your site from one screen. Using themobile theme editor, you can update or edit your online store from anywhere, as well as create blog posts, add pages, update your menus, and manage your theme.


In the Shopify app, tap theicon to open your store overview. From here, you have access to the same features as the desktop version of your Shopify admin, including the following features:

Sales channels

Your active sales channels are accessible through thetab in the Shopify app. You can tap on any sales channel name for an overview of the sales channel, along with similar functionality to the desktop site. Each sales channel is different. Refer to the specificsales channel documentationfor information on how to use the channel's features in the Shopify mobile app.

You can also add a new sales channel by tapping theAdd channel按钮。


The欧宝体育官网入口首页section displays a preview of your currently active theme in both desktop and mobile form. To access your store details, tap the image of your online store.

Preview your online store

Tap the eye icon in the upper right corner of the Shopify app to open your store in a browser window. You can scroll through your store and tap on any links or products to open them. A bar along the bottom of your device screen has information about the store you're previewing, and displays the last save date of your store.

Tap theActions按钮。从这里,你可以隐藏操作栏,close the preview, or share the preview. Tap onShare previewto get a preview link to your online store that is accessible to anyone you share the link with for two days. As this is a preview of your store, anyone using the link won't be able to make purchases or transactions using the preview link. You can copy the preview link to your device clipboard by tappingCopy link.

TapDoneto close the store preview and return to the Online Store page in the Shopify app.

Manage your theme

You can manage your theme and theme library on your mobile device with the Shopify app.

Themes on mobile

On theShopify应用程序的选项卡,点击欧宝体育官网入口首页>Manage all themes. Your current theme with the version and install date is displayed.

Scroll down to theTheme libraryheading to view all the themes currently in your theme library.

Tap theAdd themebutton to add a new theme to your library. If you have the new theme's zip file on your mobile device, then you can upload the new theme to your online store by tappingUpload zip file. You'll be prompted to select the file from your device to upload. Note that the file must be a .zip file less than 50MB in size.

If you don't have the new theme on your device, then you can choose to connect to GitHub and upload your new theme from there. Tap theConnect from GitHubbutton and follow the prompts to log into your GitHub account for the new theme file.

For more information on updating or adding themes, refer to thetheme managementdocumentation.


If your theme has an update available, then a blue dot displays below your theme name. Tap on the drop-down arrow to view the update details, view release notes, or add the update to your theme library.

Online store editor for Shopify Mobile

You can now customize your theme using your mobile device. The Shopify app includes a mobile theme editor, allowing you to customize your online store from your mobile device. You can make changes to your theme settings, and add, remove, edit, and rearrange content.

To open the mobile theme editor, tap>欧宝体育官网入口首页>Editon your device.

In the mobile theme editor, you can:

  • Adjust yourtheme settingsby tapping the app header and then tappingTheme settings
  • Customize yourpagesandtemplatesby tapping theHome pagedrop-down button at the top of your screen. You canSearchfor a specific part of your online store with the search bar in this menu.
  • Edit individualsections and blocksfrom theSectionsportion of the mobile editor:

For more information on customizing your online store with thetheme editor, refer to thetheme customizationdocumentation.

Speed score

Your currentspeed scoreis displayed on the Online Store page. TapView reportto view additional details about your speed score, including information about how the speed score is calculated.

You can change the date range of your speed score with the drop-down menu under theSpeed score over timeheading. Tap the button to choose a date range between last 7 days (default), and last 30 days.

You can review suggestions on improving your store speed. Tap any of the buttons to access videos and articles about improving store speed. For more information on store speed, refer to theOnline store speeddocumentation.

Tap the back arrow to openReports, or tapDoneto close the speed score page.

Blog posts

Tap theBlog postsheading to open your blog posts. You can create a new blog post, or edit existing posts. Refer to theBlogsdocumentation for more information on creating and editing blog posts.

TapDoneto close the blog page.


Tap thePagesheading to open a list of your pages. You can use the search bar to locate a specific page, or tapMore filtersto narrow your search down to pages that are hidden or visible.

Tap theSelectbutton to select one or more pages. You can change the visibility status of your selected pages, or delete them entirely from your online store.

You canEdityour store's pages. Tap a page to open the rich text editor in the Shopify app. Make your changes, and then tapSave.

TapDoneto close the page.

Refer to thePagesdocumentation for more information on Pages.

Tap theNavigationbutton to open the Navigation page. From here, you can edit the menus that display on your online store. Refer to theMenus and linksdocumentation for more information on menu types and how to use them.

You can also access yourcollection and search filterson the Navigation page in the Shopify app.

TapDoneto close the Navigation page.

Password protection

You can turnpassword protectionfor your store on or off in the Shopify app. Tap thePassword protectionbutton to toggle the store password on or off.

Learn more about password protection for your online store in thepassworddocumentation.


Tap thePreferencesbutton to open your store preferences.

On this page, you can:

TapSaveto save any changes you made, orDoneto close the preferences page.

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