Shopify bill overview

You can find your bills on theBillingpage of your Shopify admin. TheBillingpage includes an overview of your recent bills. You can click on a recent bill to view your detailed bill, or to download your bill for your records.

The store owner and staff with theView billing and receive billing emailspermission receive bills by email, along with billing related notifications.

Currency of your Shopify bill

For accounting reasons, merchants in most countries and regions are billed in US dollars. Merchants in EU member states are billed in theirlocal currency.

Charges on your Shopify bill

Your bill includesfour types of charges:

  • Subscriptionshows the charge for your store's Shopify subscription plan. If you switch your store to a lower subscription plan within a billing cycle, then a subscription credit is applied in this section.

  • Appsshows app charges associated with the bill. App charges are set by the app developer. App developers can charge for apps with recurring fees, usage fees, and one-time fees. If you have an issue with an app charge, then contact the developer for help.

  • Shippingshows charges for your shipping labels and adjustments made during your billing cycle.

  • Transaction feesshows transaction charges associated with the bill. You are charged transaction fees if you are not usingShopify Payments.

The bill subtotal, tax charges, and total appear at the bottom of the bill.

Detailed PDF bill

You can download a detailed version of each bill as a PDF. Your bill is split into two main sections:

  • an overview of your charges
  • a detailed breakdown of all your charges

The overview shows the total amount for the bill and how it’s divided among your subscription, apps, other charges, and taxes. You can view the billing periods and other details like the store name, payment method, types of charges, and more. The overview includes notices about important actions related to your bill, like an upcoming payment that's due, or if you live in a region or country where you need to account for reverse charge VAT.

If your store is on the Shopify Plus plan, then from your billing store you can view the charges for all of the stores in your organization.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Billing.

  2. Select a recent bill.

  3. ClickDownload.

Billing cycles

Abilling cycleis the length of time between bills. You canchange this time interval, but you can't choose a specific day of the month to receive your bills. Bills are issued using theUTC time zone.

Shopify has a few different billing cycles:

Shopify billing cycles
Billing cycle name Billing cycle duration
Subscription billing cycle 30 days or 1 year
App billing cycle 30 days

Charge types

Shopify has both recurring charges and one-time charges. Make sure that you understand the different recurring or one time charges that can appear on your bills. One-time charges, such as the fees you pay for registering a domain or for purchasing a theme, appear on a separate bill.

Recurring charge types

The following types of recurring charge can occur on your regular monthly bill:

One-time charges

You can receive individual bills for the followingone-time charge types:


If your business is located in a Canadian or American jurisdiction where Shopify has a business presence, then Shopify is required by law to charge applicable taxes on your subscription. You also see ataxescalculation based on your location.

You can see the taxes on a separate line in your bill.

SeeTaxesfor more information.

If you live in a region where Shopify is required to charge taxes on any of your account charges, these charges appear in your Shopify invoice.

About billing thresholds

In addition to monthly subscription billing, Shopify also issues bills throughout the month according to your plan-based billing threshold. Billing thresholds are dollar values that trigger billing whenever the cost of your account activity exceeds its threshold amount.

You receive a bill whenever the total of your third-party transaction fees and other outstanding charges exceeds your account's threshold. Monthly subscription fees are included in your running total, but they are not included in threshold bills.

If you have any third-party transaction fees or other charges during your current billing cycle, then your store's threshold appears in theBillssection of theBillingShopify admin页面。如果你没有成交方式代码表tion fees or charges, then your store's threshold doesn't appear.

If you reach your billing threshold and you're issued with a bill, you can continue to buy shipping labels until the total reaches 110% of your threshold. No further purchases can be made until you pay for the issued bill. For example, if your threshold is $400, and your account's activity reaches $400, then you'll be issued a bill. You can still purchase shipping labels until your account activity reaches $440 (110% of $400), but any more purchases after that can be made only after you've paid your bill of $400.

To learn more about how you're billed for shipping labels,contact Shopify Support.

Charges triggered by your billing threshold appear in theBilling historysection of theBillingShopify admin页面。

Third-party payment providers

如果您的存储使用第三方支付服务提供商,then you're billed either when the total of your store's fees and charges (including recurring charges for any apps that you have installed) exceeds one of your store's billing thresholds, or at the end of your 30-day billing cycle. For example:

  • Your account is billed at the end of the day if the total of your third-party transaction fees and other outstanding charges exceeds your account's daily threshold amount.
  • Your account is billed whenever the total of your third-party transaction fees and other outstanding charges exceeds your account's maximum threshold amount, which is twice the amount of your account's daily threshold
  • If the total of your third-party transaction fees and other outstanding charges is below your billing thresholds, then your account is billed at the end of your 30-day billing period. If you change your store's Shopify subscription plan, then you're billed for any outstanding and prorated amounts.

You can view your store's billing thresholds in theBillssection of theBillingShopify admin页面。

Your first bill doesn't include third-party transaction fees, but your second bill includes all third-party transaction fees incurred up to that point.

Shopify Payments

If your store usesShopify Payments, then the credit card processing rates are deducted from your orders automatically. For any other outstanding charges, including recurring charges for any apps that you've installed, you're billed either when the total of your outstanding charges exceeds one of your store's billing thresholds, or at the end of your 30-day billing cycle, whichever comes first.

You can view your store's billing thresholds on theBillingpage in your Shopify settings.

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