
Customer personal data is initially processed by Shopify International Limited (Ireland). Shopify engages subprocessors in accordance with ourData Processing Addendum. If you are a Shopify Plus merchant, then you can contact Shopify Plus Support for more information.

Core subprocessors are subprocessors that we can't offer our services without. Additional subprocessors are subprocessors that might process customer personal data if those additional services are used by a merchant. For example, Shopify Capital Inc. might only process a merchant's customer personal data if the merchant participates in ourShopify Capitalprogram.

Core Shopify subprocessors

Core subprocessers
Subprocessor Service Provided Corporate Headquarters Data Processed
Shopify Inc. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services Canada 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify International Limited Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services Ireland 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services Australia 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify Commerce India Pvt. Ltd. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services India 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify (Japan) 株式会社 Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services Japan 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify Commerce Singapore Pte. Ltd. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services Singapore 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify UK Ltd. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services United Kingdom 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy
Shopify Commerce New Zealand Ltd. Providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services New Zealand 平台数据,需要提供平台功能onality and customer service, as described in the ShopifyPrivacy Policy

Additional Shopify subprocessors

Additional subprocessers
Subprocessor Service Provided Corporate Headquarters Data Processed
Shopify Capital Inc. Providing and improving the Shopify Capital service USA Platform data as needed to provide Capital service
Shopify (USA) Inc. Providing the Shopify Inbox applications, and providing and improving the Shopify platform and other related services USA Platform data as needed to provide Shopify Inbox

Third-party subprocessors

Shopify might also use third-party subprocessors in order to provide our services. Core subprocessors are those that we can't offer our service without. Additional subprocessors might apply if additional services are used. For example, our fulfillment subprocessors will only process information if ourShopify Fulfillment Networkis used. Transfers to third-party subprocessors are conducted under contract.

Core third-party subprocessors

Core subprocessers
Subprocessor Service Provided Corporate Headquarters Data Processed
Amazon AWS Cloud hosting USA Information associated with delivery of website content
Bugsnag Error logging USA Customer personal data if necessary to log errors
Cloudflare Load balancing and DDoS protection USA All platform data
Google Maps Mapping delivery USA Personal data necessary to surface mapping functionality
Google Cloud Platform Cloud hosting USA All platform data
Mode Data analysis USA All platform data

Additional third-party subprocessors

Additional subprocessers
Subprocessor Service Provided Corporate Headquarters Data Processed
Brandfox LLC Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
ITS Logistics LLC Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
Port Logistics Group, Inc. Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
Sauceda Industries LLC Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
ShipHero, LLC Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
Whiplash Merchandising, Inc. Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
SalesForce Fulfillment services USA Personal data to provide shipping and fulfillment services
MailGun Email transmission USA Personal data necessary to provide Shopify Email or abandoned cart functionality
SendGrid Email transmission USA Personal data necessary to provide Shopify Email
Twilio External communications USA Personal data necessary to provide SMS functionality
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