Managing your Shopify account

From theSettingspage, you can manage your Shopify subscription plan, store type, and store status.

To learn more about staff permissions that are controlled by store owners, refer toStaff permissions. To learn how to change your store status, refer toPausing or deactivating your store.

Update your plan

You can only update your plan to currently available plans which you can view onShopify's pricing page. If your store is on a plan that's no longer offered, then you can't switch back if you change plans or pause your store.

If you update your plan, then a bill is issued immediately that reflects only the subscription fee for your new plan. The price of your previous plan is prorated and applied against the cost of your new subscription for the month that you change your plan. The bill that you receive for your plan change doesn't include other pending charges on your account. These pending charges will be billed when outstanding fees on your account reach yourbilling thresholdor at the end of yourbilling cycle.

Check your current plan

  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings, and then clickPlan.

Upgrade your plan

If your store is on a free trial when you upgrade your plan, then you won't lose any store information, and the length of your free trial remains the same.

The upgrade takes effect immediately. You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you upgrade.

To upgrade your plan, you need to be the store owner or a staff member with theManage plan许可。


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings, and then clickPlan.
  2. ClickChange plan.
  3. Review the currently available plans, and then clickChoose plan.
  4. Select a billing cycle and read the description of the credit card charges that you're agreeing to.
  5. ClickStart Planto accept the new agreement, or clickCancel.

Change your plan

If you want to change your plan, then you can choose one from the available options.

You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you change your plan. If you change your billing cycle, then:

  • a bill is issued
  • a new billing cycle starts for your new plan
  • you receive a prorated credit if your new plan costs less than your old plan

If you change your plan without changing your billing cycle, then you continue on the same billing cycle and your payments are adjusted. If you change your billing cycle, then your current plan's bill is immediately sent to you for payment. At the same time, a new billing cycle starts for your new plan, and you're credited for any unused time that you've already paid for.

To change your plan, you need to be the store owner or a staff member with theManage plan许可。


  1. From your Shopify admin, clickSettings, and then clickPlan.

  1. From thePlanpage, clickChange Planin thePlan detailssection.

  2. Review the currently available plans, and then clickChoose plan.

  3. Select a billing cycle and payment method, and then review the plan details, billing date, and plan charges.

  4. ClickStart plan. If you don't want to change your plan, then clickCancel.

Change your store address

The address of your store is used to determine your store's location. Changing your store's country might affect the following details:

  • your subscription fees and billing currency
  • 你的商店的当地语言和货币
  • your tax and duty obligations
  • shipping availability
  • your access to Shopify products and services

TheShopify Terms of Servicerequire you to maintain an accurate location based on your current jurisdiction.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings.

  1. From theStore detailspage, clickEditin the添加resssection.

  2. Edit your address.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then clickSave

Change your store type

If you're thestore owneror a staff member withManage and install apps and channelspermission, then you can change your store type at any time.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Sales Channels.
  2. From theSales channelssettings page, you can add or remove an online store, a Shopify POS retail store, or another available store type.

Change your store owner account email

Your account email address is the email address that you used to sign up for Shopify. If you're the store owner, then this is the email address that you use to log in to the Shopify admin. This email address is used to contact you about your Shopify account, and is separate from the store email address that your customers use to contact you.

Shopify bills are emailed to the store owner and to any staff who have theView billing and receive billing emails许可。改变你的电子邮件地址se to log in to your Shopify admin or to receive bills, you need toupdate the store owner's staff details.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Users and Permissions.
  2. In theStore ownersection, click your name.
  3. ClickView account settings.
  4. Log in to your account.
  5. In theDetails section, clickUpdate.
  6. In thePasswordfield, enter your current password and then clickNext.
  7. In theNew emailfield, enter your new email address.
  8. ClickChange email.

Change your store's customer-facing email address

Your customer-facing email address is the email address that your customers use to contact you about products, orders, or other questions that they have about your store. This is also the email address that's displayed to customers when they receive an order notification email from your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Notifications.
  2. In theSender emailsection, enter your email address.
  3. ClickSave.

Change the store owner's profile

The store owner has a profile that's similar tostaff. The email address and password that the store owner uses to log in to Shopify are associated with their profile.


  1. Log in to your store as thestore owner.

  2. From your Shopify admin, click your store name and account picture.

  3. ClickManage account.

  4. Update the store owner's account information.

  5. ClickSave.

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