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A Chance to Win A One Month Shopify Subscription Credit

Want to win a month of Shopify subscription credit? Fill out the Shopify Community survey below – we would love to hear from you. Your responses will help us improve our platform and your experience! Once you have complete...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

Shopify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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When I go from settings - policies - localize. It goes to the first policy that I can translate. In that policy if I am writing something in the trans...
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I would like to move the logo from center to left in mobile version just like on desktop in empire theme? can somebody please help me?
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Dear Shopify Experts, We would like to change the green-highlighted subcategories to Monteserrat Semibold and remain the red-highlighted main cate...
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Hi All, Any idea on how to show the full image in the "image banner", I have tried couple of the solution I found but non of them works, the image...
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We would like to start using Shopify POS in our stores, but from the initial tests, we can see that there are several missing features. Is it possibl...
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Our google merchant account center has been suspended due to google's Misrepresentation policy. Our all products have been disapproved in the google m...
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I am trying to login to my store and is not able to. I keeping getting an error code saying to contact support and the operation couldn't be completed...
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Hi All, We have written an app for integration with our ERPS and it works well. However, when submitting to the shopify store we are being told o...
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My shop has been saved as based in South Africa. I want to use Payfast as my point of sale but it doesn't come up as an option. Please help?
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I want to use different images for the thumbnail on product card. I don't want those to be visible on the product page. Is there a way to get that...
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Hello Merchants, Are you looking to scale your business with Shopify or transition your current Shopify store into a professional one? As a S...
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Hello clever people, I need to know if Shopify Plus can do this specific thing: My client wants to make some changes to the core flow of the checko...
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Can i continue by choosing point of sale 'lite' subscription plan?
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Hi I would like to only fix my multicolumn for this specific page https://fonpintar.com.my/pages/instalment-plan For desktop view I would want 4 in ...
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Hi guys I would like to ask if its possible for me to change the size of product page price font separately? For Website: I would want my se...
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Hello, Is there any app where you could scan your competitors price based on product description? Only provding their main URL? For example I have a ...
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How do I make a title with 2 lines, a bold title line and a second subtitle line? I can add html to the title, but it shows on the product page. Ca...
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How to display 2 columns on phone when using image column? Help me!
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I would like to change the buy button and highlighted buttons to theme color. You can see in the picture. The ones in the red rectangles. Can anyone...
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I cannot edit some of the text font colors in checkout and shipping page. Please see attached screenshot for your reference.
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