To continue receiving payouts, you need to secure your account by turning on two-step authentication before January 18th, 2023. If two-step authentication is not turned on your payouts will be paused.Learn more

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Now Available: Functions APIs for Delivery and Payment Customizations!

Great news, the Functions APIs for delivery customizations and payment customizations are now available in a developer preview. With these new APIs, you can hide, reorder, or rename delivery and payment options to help merc...

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It's now easier for app developers to test webhook topics & webhook failure emails are streamlined

You’ll now be able to trigger a webhook test payload to a specified destination directly from the CLI. Previously, developers needed to create a dev store and manually click around with an app installed in order to test their...

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Partner Dashboard Updates: View clear steps to improve app quality and earn achievements!

At Summer ‘22 Editions, we added new app highlights to listing pages, so merchants can spot high quality apps and make informed decisions based on attributes they find valuable for their business. These highlights show tested...

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上海opify Functions is now open to Plus merchants

Great news – starting today Shopify Plus merchants who are not leveraging a checkout.liquid customization will gain access to Shopify Functions. This means that over the coming weeks, Shopify Plus merchants can start download...

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put the customer data (1).png

Put the customer data you gather during the holiday season to work.

Over the past 8 months, Shopify has been investing in our segmentation tools for businesses. Now you can segment customers by email behavior, product tags, and predicted lifetime value scoring. Brands are already seeing incre...

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The redesigned app store is here, helping you better tell your app’s story

We've been redesigning key experiences that make it easier for apps like yours to be discovered and for merchants to find the right apps at the right time. On December 1, we released the latest features including: an optimize...

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Update to App Store ‘Speed Tested’ Highlight

Merchants need their apps to be fast so they have minimal impact on their storefronts. To ensure merchants know if their store will be impacted best, the ‘Speed Tested’ highlight has been updated for Shopify App Store listing...

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Simtech Development Ltd Apps No Longer Available On Shopify - Details And Alternative Apps

We’ve discovered that Simtech Development Ltd is associated with a terminated partnership which violated Shopify’s Partner Program Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy. We are committed to keeping Shopify a trustworthy platfor...

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  Bonjour, J’ai passer une commande dans ma boutique pour tester et je m’aperçois qu’il est impossible de commander j’ai changer de carte bancaire e...
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I'd like to use a different logo for one collection or template, whichever is easier. I've seen solutions for other themes but I'm not confident enoug...
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hello everyone, in my online store, only united states are entered in the address section. I want to sell all over the world what should I do
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Hey everyone, i want to upload a app that i build to the app store, the app has also an external webapp that our shops can use ,and some files a...
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Hey all, I've run into a problem configuring my products on Shopify. I'm setting up a site to sell swimwear, some of which are bikinis. With ...
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Hello, Can the menu list be displayed alphabetically vertically instead of horizontally, In the Dawn theme desktop view? Thank yo...
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Hey guys! I want to do like this site: Brush Up and ad the shipping time down on the product page in a page template, how do i add a table like this t...
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Hi there, I want to create a rule that whenever I change the shipping rate for a product variant > a metafield of this variant will change autom...
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First of all, I would like to start by saying that I opened another store before this, on another account. I was able to use my debit card to pay for ...
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We are using Shopify Markets with a single domain, and don't want to use subdomains, at least not at the moment. Is there a URL parameter to set a spe...
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Hi, I have following problem. Prestige mega menu works with 3 levels menu structure. Meaning that on desktop 2nd level becomes sort of a header f...
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Hello, I intend to sell gift cards so I want to send different files to customers via email automatically, for example, I have 5 pictures with a diffe...
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Hello, i recently switch my website from wordpress to Shopify and iam glad i did this, but iam facing a big problem which in result is confusing my c...
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Hi, I am looking for a feature which is soo long required, as it will be beneficial for Shopify from server/cloud space saving point of view as well ...
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Hi, My PayPal Express checkout works perfectly with free shipping. However if shipping costs are selected, the PayPal total changes fine but the ...
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Hi, we have a bricks and mortar store and an on line store for the same business. Each morning we up date the sales from the previous day from our bri...
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Hello, I have two different domains pointing at my Shopify store. and I created a landing page (https://project...
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I need help I dont know what I'm missing in my olansi water purifier manufacturer store ?
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