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Smart Order Routing: Prioritize fulfillment locations to deliver orders faster

We are introducing Smart Order Routing, a new feature that lets you automatically prioritize the best fulfillment location for an order, whether you are shipping from a few warehouses nearby or dozens around the globe.Learn ...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Hi guys, I am using the API to fetch fulfillment orders from the store. I want to check if the fulfillment order is of type "THIRD_PARTY" or "MANU...
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Hello ! How can I move the social media icon like in the picture and center the currency selector? please ?     Store url :https://prettyple...
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I'm using the Impulse theme and I want to hide product prices when the item is out of stock. Any code suggestions/solutions? Thanks!
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After creating all of the pages I decided that I want to add a banner to each product page. The image in that banner must correspond to the product. ...
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Does the Shop app support line item properties (options)? For example, variants or apps like Infinite Options. Currently the only way to access/view o...
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Where can I see other Shopify stores by Category? Please share a link so I can browse other stores to get a feel of how others have designed their Sh...
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Using the Admin REST API, the docs say I can put tags on orders. I dont see how to query a list of orders that do or more importantly do NOT contain ...
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Why is my logo smooshed? It’s fine everywhere else. URL chsldbeauty.co
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"Suppose we are integrating with Shopify and have connected to a specific location, let's call it Warehouse A. In a scenario where an order is created...
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Is there anything in the works to offer the ability to print retail barcode labels for products ordered, right from the purchase order? It would be a...
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we have a custom app on a store and are migrating to the newest method of updating shipments (fulfillment.json) We have checked our app's permissi...
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Is there anything in the works to develop a Quotes/Estimates feature? It would be great to be able to put a quote together, than can then be turned i...
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Is there a recommended way to do clothing drops where the home landing page shows a countdown and other info (no other pages) then when the countdown ...
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Hi everyone! I'm trying to change the color of the "Banana Paper Thinking of You Cards" title from Green to Black. I've been trying to figure out how...
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Hello community, I just just added a trust badge widget to my dawn themed Shopify page through the theme.liquid by adding a script , however I realize...
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We recently migrated the search backend for a customer from native Shopify search to our in-house search. This customer does not use Hydrogen, so we h...
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Hello everyone, I have an issue in my product page. Once I choose any color option variant, it displays on the large image correct, but when I clicki...
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嗨,我想改变的分页my collection list on the spotlight theme to infinite scroll. i've tried to do it with some in...
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Hello! I'm looking at my site's code, and the first thing that gets loaded is something called 'vpro', as you can see here: view-source:https://8b...
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