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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

Shopify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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Hi, I've linked my Shopify catalogue to an Instagram shop, but the product variant images are displaying as the main image instead of the featured Sho...
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Hi Shopify team, can someone help me with SSL pending issue? got the domain from go daddy. - Haircove. in
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I'm trying to customize the checkout progress steps breadcrumbs on my test store's checkout page, I was thinking if there's an API endpoint that will ...
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Good Evening Team, Clevisco.ae How do I change the font color of the announcement to white? , even though it is white on the theme edditor ...
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hello, my product page has a problem: when somoene visits my product page, the first varation of my product is already selected, but i dont want any v...
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So, I have a lightbox video on the homepage of my store. When you click on it, the lightbox and video briefly appear and then the screen goes blank an...
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Hi, we have the following code which works for a single text item color in our header but it's not showing up on mobile. .dropdown__family:last-ch...
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Hey! I'm having a difficult time on trying to center the titles of my store, i haven't found a way to do it, I'm all new to using shopify coming from ...
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嗨,谁能帮我风格一些边界in my pages? https://vintageecoes.com/pages/faq store pw: davide I want to add 5px border radius ...
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Hey, So I have a small issue with one of my sections on the desktop version of my site. As you'll see in the screenshot and on my live site, t...
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Hello. I am still new when it comes to developing on shopify liquid so I really hope you can help. I am currently working on removing numbers from ...
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Hi Guys I need some help with my store. Theme: Dawn v10 URL: https://masaro-clothing.myshopify.com/ Pass: ahnaip There's this white...
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我做了一些DNS修改我的域进行身份验证for the SMSBump app on Google domains more than 24 hours ago and my website is still down. Google sa...
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Hi, I'm fairly new to Shopify and REST API capabilities of the product. I've been informed that the Order and Fulfilment REST API is no longer goi...
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Hello all. Looking for some assistance. I am trying to get filters on the featured collections. The only one's I can enable a filter on, ...
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Hello, my website is only accessible by the full URL https://homesector.eu/. I want to add subdomain www.homesector.eu to redirect to same URL. ...
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I am trying to make subcategories within the collection. Can anyone guide me how to make subcategories. Thanks
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On the main page on the default spotlight theme it says "From XXX " can I change that to say "From MIN to Mi
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I would like to add 2 Youtube videos, side-by-side, into a page on my site. Is this even possible, first of all? Second, I think I have the working ...
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I'm looking to add a smooth transition to the Dawn accordion tabs. At the moment they open without a smooth transition and it doesn't look very good. ...
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