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为Shopify Wi -选择应用th Confidence

Feel confident choosing, installing, and using apps to unlock opportunities for your business. With the Built for Shopify program, you can quickly identify apps that align with your expectations for performance, safety, usef...

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Smart Order Routing: Prioritize fulfillment locations to deliver orders faster

We are introducing Smart Order Routing, a new feature that lets you automatically prioritize the best fulfillment location for an order, whether you are shipping from a few warehouses nearby or dozens around the globe.Learn ...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Hi there, On my website I just saw that my reviews had been loading to the side of the page and that the section border margin was missing at the ...
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I wanted to reduce the width on the button of the image banner just on the mobile. Not reducing the font size but just the padding so it doesn’t overl...
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Hi, can anyone advise me how to change the text inside my "View All" button to white, in the "Featured Collection" segment of my home page? I cha...
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Hi there, My merchant is currently subscribing to Shopify Plan. Recently, they have had a problem with shipping and chose a public app to integr...
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Hello! I need auto-type suggest feature in enterprise theme imported/added into the theme that I am using, empire theme. It was difficult to code it ...
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Hello! I need auto-type suggest feature in enterprise theme imported/added into the theme that I am using, empire theme. It was difficult to code ...
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Hi friends, I created a store for a product manufacturer they have a customers [Dealers] in multiple nations. So, they don't want to force custome...
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Since the update to the Themes-> Colors, it seems that the page background across the site is still the previous color. I have updated Settings->Brand...
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Hello, We are looking for a way to list items that are needed for a charity organisation on our site as part of helping with donations. eg, t...
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I'm just starting out in dropshipping. Please help! What is a good cost per purchase with Facebook ads for my e-commerce product? In different ph...
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I run a store that ships across US and Canada, and both segments (based on country) have their designated Shipping Methods assigned. The US market has...
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你好,在一个页面模板,我一个m trying to recreate the 0 padding of 2 pictures side by side like on the "Origin" Theme demo store. I'm able to remove...
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Hello Everyone, I am working with RIDE theme. On mobile, when you open the menu by tapping the burger icon, you get to see only the main menu items, ...
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Hello Everyone, I need your help! I have a dog accessory brand and a Shopify store this brand. I got traffic everyday, but no sale and very few ...
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I have a client who placed an order using credit card check out and the card info got stolen, may I know how to improve security of my web store? Is t...
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Hello All, I would like to add an inner/inset shadow to image blocks on the site. Attempting to set CSS with a consistent shadow on all sides to crea...
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How can i add 2 columns under brands only on drop down menu Premium Cigars. Debut theme Store is pass: absolute Th...
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Hi there, I'd like to change the color separately for these two prices. The discounted price (red), and the original price (black). They are both ...
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With rising credit card processing fees, I want to establish a 2% credit card processing fee on all orders. What is the best way to do this?
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Hey everyone. I sell some products on my website but my bread and butter comes from custom orders. Therefore, my store needs a highly customizable for...
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