To continue receiving payouts, you need to secure your account by turning on two-step authentication before January 18th, 2023. If two-step authentication is not turned on your payouts will be paused.Learn more

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Now Available: Functions APIs for Delivery and Payment Customizations!

Great news, the Functions APIs for delivery customizations and payment customizations are now available in a developer preview. With these new APIs, you can hide, reorder, or rename delivery and payment options to help merc...

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It's now easier for app developers to test webhook topics & webhook failure emails are streamlined

You’ll now be able to trigger a webhook test payload to a specified destination directly from the CLI. Previously, developers needed to create a dev store and manually click around with an app installed in order to test their...

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小鬼伙伴仪表盘更新:观点明确步骤rove app quality and earn achievements!

At Summer ‘22 Editions, we added new app highlights to listing pages, so merchants can spot high quality apps and make informed decisions based on attributes they find valuable for their business. These highlights show tested...

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Shopify Functions is now open to Plus merchants

Great news – starting today Shopify Plus merchants who are not leveraging a checkout.liquid customization will gain access to Shopify Functions. This means that over the coming weeks, Shopify Plus merchants can start download...

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put the customer data (1).png

Put the customer data you gather during the holiday season to work.

Over the past 8 months, Shopify has been investing in our segmentation tools for businesses. Now you can segment customers by email behavior, product tags, and predicted lifetime value scoring. Brands are already seeing incre...

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The redesigned app store is here, helping you better tell your app’s story

We've been redesigning key experiences that make it easier for apps like yours to be discovered and for merchants to find the right apps at the right time. On December 1, we released the latest features including: an optimize...

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Update to App Store ‘Speed Tested’ Highlight

Merchants need their apps to be fast so they have minimal impact on their storefronts. To ensure merchants know if their store will be impacted best, the ‘Speed Tested’ highlight has been updated for Shopify App Store listing...

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Simtech Development Ltd Apps No Longer Available On Shopify - Details And Alternative Apps

We’ve discovered that Simtech Development Ltd is associated with a terminated partnership which violated Shopify’s Partner Program Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy. We are committed to keeping Shopify a trustworthy platfor...

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Hello I need to change the email address that our automated follow up emails come from, could someone please point me in the right direct? Tha...
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嘿,伙计们,我对我的产品有两个徽章rds. Both are in the bottom left of the card, now I want one of them to be in the top left corner. I ...
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Hey community, As you can see, the page does not completely adapt to the screen in the mobile version. There is always a small white stripe on th...
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Hi everyone, Would love some feedback on my store: Do you see any areas for improvement? You can also browse the s...
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Good Day, To all Shopifyers It's good to join the community as the 700th member. What I would like to ask is, as a new business owner just startin...
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Can someone please tell me what dimensions I need to use For my images? Specially for the product collections.
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This is what a client sees when he clicks on the buy button on my home page, that means " the variant can only be purchased with a sales package ", I ...
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Hey everyone, Where can we find the "mini cart" file within code? Thanks in advance! Xinú Team.
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I'm working on the theme for my site on a desktop. I use the mobile view when designing because thats what my site is optimized for. Everything looks ...
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