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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Checkout Improvement: Partially deliverable carts can now complete checkout

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash How partially deliverable carts are handled at checkout has been improved.A partially deliverable cart is one where not all items in an order can be shipped to a customer due to the presence ...

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Changes to support requests for app charge refunds

As of May 3, 2023, merchants will be required to contact partners directly if they want to request a refund for an app. Shopify Support will no longer reach out to partners on behalf of the merchant to facilitate their reque...

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Mock Shop API; A free storefront prototyping tool

We are introducing Mock.Shop, a free prototyping tool to build a proof-of-concept storefront without having to set up a shop or run any server-side code. Use Mock Shop API to query live commerce data such as sample products, ...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

商店ify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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Now Available: Functions APIs for Delivery and Payment Customizations!

Great news, the Functions APIs for delivery customizations and payment customizations are now available in a developer preview. With these new APIs, you can hide, reorder, or rename delivery and payment options to help merc...

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我们正在建立一个公共Shopify应用There isn't a place to invite collaborators on an app since it's not a store. What is the recommende...
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In my opinion: This change in policy may present some challenges for merchants who are seeking refunds for apps they have purchased through the Shopi...
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This is the payload i used to add tags to customers. It works, but still overrode the existing tags, which is different with shopify api documents. ...
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hi i would like to be able to customize my collection list further like a banner . and where i can use image as background, put headline or button in ...
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Since it does no endure in thoughts any synthetic materials for it devour herbal nourishment.
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