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Mock Shop API; A free storefront prototyping tool

我们正在引入模拟。店,一个免费的原型tool to build a proof-of-concept storefront without having to set up a shop or run any server-side code. Use Mock Shop API to query live commerce data such as sample products, ...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

Shopify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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Now Available: Functions APIs for Delivery and Payment Customizations!

Great news, the Functions APIs for delivery customizations and payment customizations are now available in a developer preview. With these new APIs, you can hide, reorder, or rename delivery and payment options to help merc...

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I use the Dawn 9.0.0 theme. In Sections > footer.liquid, I have changed this: {%- for type in shop.enabled_payment_types -%} to this: {% a...
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Hi - I really hope there is a smart person, who have figured this issue out and can help me - as it has been annoying me for some time now! Lets sa...
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I want to make two mutation in one api request. First one is return order creation and want to push tracking details back to shopify. So to push track...
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Hi! My cart goes on my menu button (mobile version) once you add something to cart. does anyone knows how to fix it? www.tiki.co.il   
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When trying to make a simple post request I get the response in html format. Can anyone help on that ? I am using custom app URL format - https://a...
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Hey Folks! The following code puts the search icon together with an input line beautifully under the shop logo on Mobile. You can test this in mob...
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HI! My Name is Micael Jonson Can anyone help me to solve this problem the shopify store button on my website Audio speaks was working earlier but is...
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Hi, When I connect the Google to my email (connected to our relevant Merchant accounts), it can’t find the one I want to connect to. I’ve chec...
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Hi! I sell posters and my mock up up the frames show horizontal and vertical. I cannot seem to get a horizontal and vertical product to look like simi...
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Edit: I took away my post I am not interested in people spamming me with freelance work and offering your services. I asked for feedback not ma...
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Hi, would like to center the Footer QR code image on mobile view. In desktop view, it is already centered.
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How can I Switch The Position Of the Original Product Price And Sale Price On the Product Page   Theme used: Impulse 
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www.nicevillebaitandtackle.com - still password protected. I'm trying to left align my collections within my collection lists. Additionally, I'd l...
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Hi! I was learning theme development in Shopify Partner Academy. But I am not getting this. Is the free course closed? if it is still live where and ...
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Hi crew, Our Shopify has two bugs (may or may not be linked): - On mobile, the homepage consistently refreshes when trying to access the website....
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Hello, I installed the Privy app and created a pop-up for 10% discount. The bar is sitting in the left side of browser but it's blocking the menu. ...
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I have no idea how to remedy this. I have connected all my accounts with FB.. only other thing it's connected to is the meta stuff..
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Hello, I’ve received two credits and one deduction from my bank account that’s linked to my store. It says Shopify account verification. I have not do...
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