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A Chance to Win A One Month Shopify Subscription Credit

Want to win a month of Shopify subscription credit? Fill out the Shopify Community survey below – we would love to hear from you. Your responses will help us improve our platform and your experience! Once you have complete...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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I want to change the colors of 2 of the buttons in my theme I am using dawn theme version 10.0 My website is householdpoint.pk below I have attache...
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Hello, I don't know but today when I checked my website I saw that all texts on the banners on my website are not showing on mobile scree. www.w...
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Can I shift the Shehu Rental Cars website to Shopify? If yes, then please guide me on how to do it.
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Hi I'm a pretty new user of shopify. For orders that I create in the back office, I would (sometimes) like to add some internal notes to expla...
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Step 1 Create pop-up forms to grab the email of your customer, This will also help you in retargeting campaigns Step 2 Build Core flows, such as ...
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Hello! I'm trying to change the "keep shopping" and "view cart" button color or changing it to a dropdown thingy. I've tried everything but nothing se...
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Morning all. My site has been attacked with the with the dreaded spam backlinks that have been emerging on many peoples stores. My theme has been edit...
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How can I move the items from the secondary menu + the location icon from the header to the announcement bar to the right of the announcement. Lik...
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Hi, We're using Google Channel and have a Google Content API product feed. However, I need a URL to a product feed to upload on affiliate-sites an...
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Is there a way to show Klarna on site messaging text on the product cards? We have it on the product pages: https://imgur.com/a/sbhRKCq , just ab...
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Shopify help says I need to do this to be able to separate orders that I have charged VAT on, but I need to know the custom Java Script... any help? ...
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I am wanting to change my background colour of my website to a custom colour, how would i do this? my theme is debut
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Hello i made some changes to the home page and styling to my website by editng the code. I then noticed that when i go the product page, i get the ...
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I just login in to my partners account and go through the two-factor step. But I can not receive the two-factor code into my phone. My phone number ...
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I want to move the social media icons only on the product pages, as in the attached image. Can someone please help with a code? Thanks https://anki...
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I'm Looking for an Order Status Page Extension that will help me add Google Ads Tracking Code to the Thank You Page.Is it possible without using Scrip...
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We have been advised by Shopify Support that our name-server records are unable to be accessed as they are held with Cloudflare (on behalf of Shopify)...
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Hi all, Any one getting the error for the Ruby version 2.7.2. ? npm run deploy command want working on with ruby 2.7.2
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There is metaobject and I want to access the values of all the key using a for loop. There is a single entry and it holds a nested json object. T...
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I was using this as a redirect_uri - https://ngrok-string.ngrok-free.app/auth/callback. I have some questions about this URL - 1. Is it the right U...
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