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Smart Order Routing: Prioritize fulfillment locations to deliver orders faster

We are introducing Smart Order Routing, a new feature that lets you automatically prioritize the best fulfillment location for an order, whether you are shipping from a few warehouses nearby or dozens around the globe.Learn ...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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hello, my website for my product says the button to make a purchase or add to cart, it says translation missing instead. why is that? can you correct ...
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 I can’t press edit  
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Customer wrote to say they they cannot add our primary product to the cart to purchase -- verified that selecting the product Sophia 2:92 or any varia...
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I am using the next-sitemap package api/pages/server-sitemap.ts looks like this: import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';import { g...
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Hi, I just recently opened up my store and have been using paid advertising through FB and TikTok and while I think I am getting constant visitor...
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How do i make a collection page so all my blogs are on one page listed WITH photos? I have found a link here that helped me get them on a page, b...
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On May 26th Google recategorized all of my products (older diecast cars) to 'Health Products' and then suspended my Google Merchant Account for "misre...
非盟thor Avatar
Hello, I'm trying to validate webhooks but it seems to be impossible at the moment. On my app page I have three tokens. Which would be correct,...
非盟thor Avatar
Hi, I am using Refresh theme and on the About me ("Rólam") section certain android devices (Samsung S9 and S22) shows a different,not optimised pictu...
非盟thor Avatar
Hi there, I would like to have the collection lists on my site display as two columns per row on mobile instead of just one column per row. By def...
非盟thor Avatar
我使用了Shopify日常基本在我的iPhone应用程序s. Some days ago c the widgets started showing dark gray text over black background…when my phone is...
非盟thor Avatar
Hello everyone. I have this problem on sense theme, that I cant find the "Open the template or section you use for product pages (usually, i...
非盟thor Avatar
How to style the header text in collections page with CSS? I want adjust the side margins and font size according to mobile view. Page URL: https://k...
非盟thor Avatar
Trying to remove filter buttons from the collections page in mobile view only. Page URL: https://katharos.co.in/collections/aromadiffusercombo
非盟thor Avatar
Good afternoon everyone, I am currently looking to remove ALL divider lines between sections across my website. The URL of my website is the follo...
非盟thor Avatar
I want the product page's background to be all black and the text to be white (You get it.) I used this code; { background-color: #000000;} I...
非盟thor Avatar
I have a text + image block on the homepage that I want to populate with data from the metaobject. The same metaobject and text + image block already...
非盟thor Avatar
Hello, I want to use Shopify as my website and use Square to process my payments. I can't seem to find a way to integrate both of them together. ...
非盟thor Avatar
你好。我是铜rrently using Dawn v10.00. I want to create a blank template, one that has only the content I type into it--a simple page with no heade...
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