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Demo for EMEA | Shopify Editions Summer '23

想象你的业务的潜在新ShopifyPlus features. In this 30’ session, you’ll get a firsthand look at our biggest features, including:Our latest AI-based features - Sidekick and Shopify MagicBundles appStoref...

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New Webinar: Getting ready for BFCM: Learn How to Market a Flash Sale in Shopify!

Get ready for this Black Friday, Cyber Monday season! Join us on Tuesday, September 26th, at 11am EDT for a webinar on successfully marketing flash sales in Shopify. Learn how to leverage marketing automations, work with inf...

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Inventory State Column Picker Now Available

New to Shopify: the inventory state column picker. With the inventory state column picker, you can now hide or move individual inventory state columns to create your own inventory view. Set your inventory overview in a way t...

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Introducing Shopify Credit: the Pay in Full Business Card with No Fees and No Interest

Maximize savings with Shopify Credit; a pay in full business card designed to reward Shopify entrepreneurs like you. No fees, no interest—periodEarn up to 3% cashback rewards where you spend the mostGet extra days to payCred...

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Polaris v12-beta Now Available

Alongside the rollout of our redesigned Shopify admin, we’re introducing Polaris v12. It’s available in beta now, with a stable version coming in late September. The beta release of Polaris v12 will automatically update out...

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Built for Shopify - Choose Apps With Confidence

Feel confident choosing, installing, and using apps to unlock opportunities for your business. With the Built for Shopify program, you can quickly identify apps that align with your expectations for performance, safety, usef...

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How can I move the cart banner closer to the currency converter? I am looking to move it a little bit so that it looks better and clean. www.toile...
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I'm transitioning to Shopify and am in the early stages of my search. I'm seeking a theme that's sleek, clean, and modern, suitable for luxury gifts f...
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The product title and quick add font is currently a bit too big on mobile view only. I was able to adjust it earlier but after I adjusted the desktop ...
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Hello Shopify Community! I have added some custom fonts to my store that are displaying great on the desktop version of my site, but when I access...
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Hello, I have a problem that I have been trying to fix on my shopify store for a long time, I want to create a "Shop" page that shows my collections, ...
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Can someone help me make the box where google maps is on my website bigger so the map shows more? For some reason I cannot get it to work. https:/...
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https://329543-2.myshopify.com/pages/contact Using the Studio theme On the desktop, when the window is wide enough the images are full size, but ...
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Looking to change the background, and text colour for the titles of my collapsible rows on product pages. Hoping for the background colour to go full ...
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How can I have 2 different header colors so it isn't invisible on part of the site but ok on others? The header works on the photo slides, but on oth...
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How can I have 2 different header colors so it isn't invisible on part of the site but ok on others? The header works on the photo slides, but on oth...
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嗨!I just started a store to sell chargers. The idea was to sell cheap but qualityful chargers. What do you guys think of the layout? Do you th...
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How can I change the font-size for the menu in dawn theme. I found this in google inspector .menu-drawer__menu.list-menu li * font-size: 10px ...
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嗨!我的想法是找高的充电器est quality and sell them. Do you guys think this idea can work? If yes, how can I drive m...
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I have extra space to the right only on phone on pc everything is fine.
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US Phone number and address to receive returns I have created my shopify store, however, I need to buy a us phone number and I need an address to ...
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Hi, Could you please help, I just noticed that Add to Cart button doesn't work. Can not really say when it started. When now I push on Add to Car...
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my site load fine with wifi, but won't load on mobile without wifi for both safari and chrome. It does load in Incognito and I have cleared the cache....
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I can't seem to see a way to change the colour of the buy it now button on the product page in the Sense theme. I would also like to change the border...
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First question: I'm hoping to figure out a way where I can keep my product image thumbnails as squares—so that everything looks clean all together—BUT...
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This is my first post. I'm just starting to use Shopify, but I've spent a few years in WordPress, and before that Html/CSS. I'm a bit rusty, though,...
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