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A Chance to Win A One Month Shopify Subscription Credit

Want to win a month of Shopify subscription credit? Fill out the Shopify Community survey below – we would love to hear from you. Your responses will help us improve our platform and your experience! Once you have complete...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

Shopify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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Hello, I have sense theme and I'm trying to get rid of the white space between my header and the photo underneath. Nothing seems to be working. I hav...
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I would like to change this shipping calculated at checkout:
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Hi there! I have set up a webhook that will call my server anytime there is an update on a shop's product. It's working nicely but I would like...
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I made a mistake. I sent through make.com an API request to mark an order as paid, it worked, however I did it 2 times for the same order. Now in ...
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Hi guys, www.v9store.com/products/glamfeet™ I've run this product recently, some days have a sale and others don't. I am really looking for other's ...
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So i added a costum liquid to my page with a picture. The costum liquid code i use is:
Jul 3, 2023
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Hi, I have recently set up an online store to sell digital products, but I'm encountering an issue where only the PayPal payment option is visible. O...
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My order confirmation email contains bank transfer information that I would like to change. I can't find the content of the order confirmation email a...
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Hey, We run two different shops, a B2B shop and a D2C shop. You can imagine our B2B shop as being an affiliate POS store. Some of the studios carr...
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How can I change the shopify url ending: websiteaddress.com/products/blablabla-product into this url ->websiteaddress.com/shop/blablaba-product -> So...
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Hello good sir, I would like to ask you how can I set the table on this page so that it can be compatible with the mobile version, as you can s...
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Hi there, I am trying to write a program to upload a list of products. I saw that the Admin Rest API allows to use $image->attachment to upload i...
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hello, I have developed the Shopify app using the Shopify PHP app template, after completing development, I tried to deploy the app on Netlify.com, ...
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How to add arrows to my gallery on product page for my theme (Bubsie). At the moment when I have more than 4 photos, the only way to reach the 5th, 6t...
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I have been struggling on my last few versions of Dawn with bullets missing from listing descriptions. Bullets show when editing, but on the live ...
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I've added a custom select field on my product page and removed the 'novalidate' attribute from `buy-buttons.liquid` file. Now the validation works wh...
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It seems zip code verification against the user's billing address does not work with AMEX. The check works as expected with Mastercard and Visa number...
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嗨社区,似乎som结帐页面e CSS bug. Where can I fix this code? Just need to adjust 1 of this CSS line code. But unfortunatel...
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Hi, I have built a few synonyms for our webshop https://shop.torwoodgardencentre.co.uk/ some of them don't seem to be working. e.g. Parasol Sy...
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We are runing our store, just add products, and suddenly, on june 13th, tell us that our store shut down after we complete the payment method, we don'...
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