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Demo for EMEA | Shopify Editions Summer '23

Imagine your business's potential with new Shopify Plus features. In this 30’ session, you’ll get a firsthand look at our biggest features, including:Our latest AI-based features - Sidekick and Shopify MagicBundles appStoref...

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New Webinar: Getting ready for BFCM: Learn How to Run a Flash Sale in Shopify!

Get ready for this Black Friday, Cyber Monday season! Join us on Tuesday, September 26th, at 11am EDT for a webinar on running successful flash sales in Shopify. Learn how to set up discounts, leverage marketing automations,...

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Inventory State Column Picker Now Available

New to Shopify: the inventory state column picker. With the inventory state column picker, you can now hide or move individual inventory state columns to create your own inventory view. Set your inventory overview in a way t...

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Introducing Shopify Credit: the Pay in Full Business Card with No Fees and No Interest

最大化节省Shopify信贷;工资在富尔语l business card designed to reward Shopify entrepreneurs like you. No fees, no interest—periodEarn up to 3% cashback rewards where you spend the mostGet extra days to payCred...

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Polaris v12-beta Now Available

Alongside the rollout of our redesigned Shopify admin, we’re introducing Polaris v12. It’s available in beta now, with a stable version coming in late September. The beta release of Polaris v12 will automatically update out...

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Built for Shopify - Choose Apps With Confidence

Feel confident choosing, installing, and using apps to unlock opportunities for your business. With the Built for Shopify program, you can quickly identify apps that align with your expectations for performance, safety, usef...

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Why can't I locate my app in the Shopify GraphiQL App after installing it in a production store?
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This is a multirow column. I have three courses, when customers click on 'Register now' button how can they land to a page where register themselves b...
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I'm currently using WordPress for my website but we will be adding e-commerce features to the website in the near future. It is not a Shopify store we...
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Is there a way to get country name/code in product template? I need it to show product as out of stock for a specific country that uses different inve...
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The checkbox on the gift card product page which leads to the recipient form is not displaying properly in mobile view. The right side is cut off/hidd...
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 Hey guys, me again. I have added a video to my product description & have noticed it shows as a blank screen with a play button until you press play ...
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  Hi I am wondering how I can create a slider for subcollections on the collections page. I have added collection list using a custom template for a ...
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I am building a Shopify app using the express template. When I run `vite build`, it adds `var o2=require("react")` in the build file. This makes the a...
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Here is the link to my website: lejardinbridal.com When you go to one of my product pages, like https://lejardinbridal.com/products/adeline on mob...
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I recently switch to a 2.0 theme (Refresh) after using the Venture theme for a few years. With the Venture theme, product pages would display the esti...
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https://mydollfy.com/ I have looked at their code and it identifies the theme. But i am unable to get it from search from google. Shopify.theme = {...
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Hello I'm trying to customize my password protected page, to encourage more people to subscribe to my shop before I officially launch. I can't find t...
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Hello everyone! For some reason, one of my collections has vanished. Please refer to the attached image. Can anyone assist me in displaying it on the ...
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I am using stilleto theme in Shopify and I want to add affect of image change on hover to product thumbnail images. Please guide me How to do that ef...
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Hi All A developer I hired to update my socials icons has put 2 images in that I need to replace (they are the wrong colour and look squashed) but I ...
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Hey guys, a random underline has appeared under the "TRACK your order" button in the header menu on my site, I'll attach a screenshot below. Any ideas...
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hello, I created a new account, got the email welcoming the store, got a message from my bank, linked my account to the web site, i enrolled my shopi...
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I found some in this amazing community posted a way to create a video section with word overlay and a working button. However my video when I upload i...
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I'm serving an app embedded in Shopify admin through my app run by shopify app dev and served over the Cloudflare tunnel, and I've just recently (a fe...
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Hi! I would like to reduce the size of the images displayed in my collection list in the Craft theme. I am currently only displaying 2 collections, b...
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