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Inventory State Column Picker Now Available

New to Shopify: the inventory state column picker. With the inventory state column picker, you can now hide or move individual inventory state columns to create your own inventory view. Set your inventory overview in a way t...

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Introducing Shopify Credit: the Pay in Full Business Card with No Fees and No Interest

最大化节省Shopify信贷;工资在富尔语l business card designed to reward Shopify entrepreneurs like you. No fees, no interest—periodEarn up to 3% cashback rewards where you spend the mostGet extra days to payCred...

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Polaris v12-beta Now Available

Alongside the rollout of our redesigned Shopify admin, we’re introducing Polaris v12. It’s available in beta now, with a stable version coming in late September. The beta release of Polaris v12 will automatically update out...

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Built for Shopify - Choose Apps With Confidence

Feel confident choosing, installing, and using apps to unlock opportunities for your business. With the Built for Shopify program, you can quickly identify apps that align with your expectations for performance, safety, usef...

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Hi All, I have test in my javascript google console, during testing and also in a liquid file, but commented out, I have two spans, with two l...
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You can see that I have box for each input bar, but maybe I change something when I edit my page then the box shadow is gone. does anyone know where I...
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Hello! Can someone help me to center the text of my header dropdown text? https://vintengo.myshopify.com/?_ab=0&_fd=0&_sc=1 Password: thupea ...
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Hello! Can someone help me with the menu dropdown? I want a mega menu on 'kleding' because this has a lot of products and a second layer of catogr...
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Hello! I'd like my collection and subcollections to appear without clicking the mouse only when you put the mouse over "Kleding" "Maat" etc. Like th...
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We have a legacy app that occasionally queries the public products.json endpoint (which I understand is old and deprecated) e.g. https://example.com/p...
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Yesterday I was expecting a payout from my Shopify store which is in all my social media links. Today I wrote the chat and I got a ticket number but n...
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Hi, we are using Effotless theme and want to align the text in an Image with text section to the top, to match the top of the image. Here is the scree...
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how can I change the shipping vendor on my Shopify account? I have a POD in the Netherlands, with customers around Europe. My Shopify is linked wi...
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Hello, I just partially released my store today, not complete yet, still ongoing work. theluminousbeads.com I just want to have a feel for it and s...
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Hi all, I'm creating a test app for learning the shopify ecosystem, but I am not sure if I understand all. My test app is simple I have created a me...
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Hello, I'm reaching out to discuss possibilities surrounding the customization of Shopify Inbox based on specific market languages. For instance,...
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Please help me with the following: The Blog Tags won't show in my studio theme. So I can't use any filter to filter my blog page.
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Hallo everyone! I am looking for some way to make the product image sticky only on mobile. (Debut theme) Can anyone help me? Appreciate any h...
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Hi there, i am confusing the last 2 weeks trying to find a way to send email to partners after a workflow is met in the shopify flow. The idea is...
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Hi everyone, I am looking for an app that can allow us to give discounts per item based on quantity but not as a %. Here is an example of what we ...
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yeah so i would like to remove the cookies popup from my website and i cant find the way to remove it
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Hello, Is there anyway to move the main subject, accent and sub text below the image instead of it being inside the image? Using stiletto theme.
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Hi, I am setting up my store using Effortless theme, and in my home I'm using the featured collection section to display the onle 3 products I cur...
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所有的订单已经在我们的商店hased as subscriptions have a selling plan but no contract. This was discovered when we queried ...
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