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A Chance to Win A One Month Shopify Subscription Credit

Want to win a month of Shopify subscription credit? Fill out the Shopify Community survey below – we would love to hear from you. Your responses will help us improve our platform and your experience! Once you have complete...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Partners: Support for API version 2022-04 extended to June 30, 2023

Shopify is extending support for API version 2022-04 to June 30, 2023 (previously March 31, 2023). All public, and custom using API resources which support end with the API versions 2022-04 and 2022-07 will stop working as i...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Action Required - Migrate to Fulfillment Orders API by June 30, 2023

Update: Support For API Version 2022-04 Extended To June 30, 2023. TL;DR: Any public, custom or private apps leveraging the deprecated Fulfillment API endpoints will stop working on June 30, 2023 in favor of the new Fulfillm...

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Hi all! If you could have any shopify app, to solve a current problem you are facing - what would that app be?
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Hello Everyone, Some of our customers migrting to shopify markets and one of our add on is using Shopify Store API's to fetch products. Now we want ...
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I need help to deactivate my store. Every time i try, i get "To close your store, you need to contact support". I have contacted them but they are not...
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Hello I have a website. For some reason in the collection page the price slider in the filters is not working. It was working before I dont know wha...
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Hi everyone ! I want to change only the background and text color for my product pages and associated sections. I want the background in black and ...
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I'm purchasing an established Shopify store that has a small retail business but is mainly wholesale. Wholesale sales don't go through the website--we...
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I'm purchasing an established Shopify business that is primarily wholesale but has a retail ecommerce presence. The current owner runs all sales throu...
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Hi everyone, There are 3 products that are impossible to add to cart (no entry widget showing) once the customer selects a different variant (size...
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嗨,我如何让我的形象横幅上的文本buttons bold so they stand out some? You see what I mean when you visit my website www.Pennsylvania...
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how do i fix this?, i cant post the campaign without choosing an optimization event any help is appreciated!
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happiehomeessentials.com Hi guys, I just setup this site following a few tutorials on udemy. It said to find 5 or 6 products that match certain crit...
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Hello, I'd like to create a payment extension but I can't. I'd like to create an Offsite payments app extension as mentioned in the documentation: ht...
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Hello Everyone, Hope you are doing well. I am looking for how to implement this price range slider in quote form, contact form etc. ...
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Is there a simple way to quickly notify Shopify about minor bugs? I.e. 2 things I've found recently.. 1. When updating a product description - if I ...
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Hi all. How do I remove the search bar on the top left hand side of my website? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using the Refresh theme. ...
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I'm new to this. I want a website in the Studio theme. Is it easier to start building in Studio or start in Dawn and then change the theme to Studio ...
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My site was working with Shopify's SSL earlier but once I purchased an SSL from GoDaddy, Shopify pulled that SSL. Now the issue is I revoked GoDaddy's...
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I'm looking at 2 apps live product options and upload-lift, I'm wondering if anyone has used these apps and if so what do you think. Also if you have ...
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  Hello, I want to add an image to my customer account connexion/ registration page like this. I want to have the image on the side. And two separa...
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Hey i have a quastion about some costume product what i have on the shop on the checkout page i want to add copy order insted purchase and the costu...
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