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Smart Order Routing: Prioritize fulfillment locations to deliver orders faster

We are introducing Smart Order Routing, a new feature that lets you automatically prioritize the best fulfillment location for an order, whether you are shipping from a few warehouses nearby or dozens around the globe.Learn ...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Streamline your inventory management with purchase orders

Purchase orders are now available to help you order and stock inventory from your suppliers. With purchase orders, you can easily save a PDF of your purchase order to send to suppliers, track incoming stock, monitor spending...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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It seems like it should be simple, but I cannot find how to disconnect my own/owned domain. I have been forwarding my shopify to my domain site for y...
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Hi, I'm trying to create a Flow that would work something like this: - A customer places an order with some products from Vendor A and some pr...
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i have the inconsolata font in the spotlight theme but the only area of my store that doesnt utilise this font is the search bar when i type a term. c...
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Hello friends, I tried for an hour using all other solutions, but I cannot adress the image-with-text section and change the order of it. On mobil...
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I have a few wholesale customers who purchase products on credit with net payment terms. They require that I send them statements at month end with th...
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我工作在黎明,我试图添加浮动arrows on top of MediaGallery on product pages? Would anyone know how I might do that? Please see...
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Hi working with refresh theme can i change the Quantity selector design from this: to something like this? : thanks
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当前的搜索和发现是非常基本的。Curious to hear what are some of the most useful apps that you've used to improve the search? Looking at A...
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My store was deactivate back in May and now I am getting notifications every week about shopify trying to debit money. I do not see any options to sto...
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I am trying to have my drop down menu be filled in so it is easier to navigate. I had my developer help me with this last year but I cant figure out h...
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Hi community, I am looking for a way to make my product grid including filter section wider. Currently there is too much white space on the sides...
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I want to add some text under the logo above the menu. How can I do this? Thanks in advance!
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Hi, I didn't publish my website yet but I originally wrote the entire thing in english, and now needed to translate to french. When I did thanks to th...
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I know this might have been answered elsewhere but all my searching leads to people discussing how the the owner of the Shopify site can export order ...
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Hi, I'm trying to remove "SELECT VALUE" from the popup cart, for gift cards. I want to keep "select value" on the actual product page, but I'd lik...
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I am using the colorblock theme, and I want to add a video instead of an image for the 'image with text' section. So basically I want a video and text...
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I am trying to make my own shopify section for product information and have my own blocks, authors, status, etc... But, I also want to add the produc...
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Hi, I have a page 'NEW' where I want to display the recently added products. How do I create a collection that can automatically fetch products that...
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I have an issue with my my default product page. In the shopify builder it says that 100 products are assigned to the product page. But it should be o...
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help needed with Size CSS fix the size icons need to look like this when mouse is hovered over thanks
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