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Polaris v12-beta Now Available

Alongside the rollout of our redesigned Shopify admin, we’re introducing Polaris v12. It’s available in beta now, with a stable version coming in late September. The beta release of Polaris v12 will automatically update out...

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Built for Shopify - Choose Apps With Confidence

Feel confident choosing, installing, and using apps to unlock opportunities for your business. With the Built for Shopify program, you can quickly identify apps that align with your expectations for performance, safety, usef...

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Smart Order Routing: Prioritize fulfillment locations to deliver orders faster

We are introducing Smart Order Routing, a new feature that lets you automatically prioritize the best fulfillment location for an order, whether you are shipping from a few warehouses nearby or dozens around the globe.Learn ...

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Introducing return rules for an improved self-serve experience

We are excited to announce enhancements to the self-serve returns experience to help you manage your returns more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. You can now set up return rules to determine when customers are...

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Introducing Shopify Certifications

Upskill and stand out with the new Shopify Foundations Certification program Expand your knowledge of Shopify products, learn key business foundations and gain certification badges to display your expertise through the new ...

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Recent Discussions

Hello! I just set up my website earlier this month, moving my listings from Etsy to Shopify. I'd appreciate some feedback on what else I could be mi...
i have no sales traffic appears to be getting there I'm using social media platforms for my traffic and still no sales not sure I've tested the store ...
我看到在另一个Shopi以下功能fy store and I would like to apply it to my own (I’m using the ride theme) but I’m not sure how. As ...
I Need too talk too talk who know shopify
Hello, I'd like to move my logo even further to the left than it currently is. I chose the left and centered option but it's not left enough for my t...
I am wanting add an search filter that will have option to filter based to metafiels. Like if there is a metafield named "Brand", it it add choose bra...
We use shopify payment gateway. we want to charge transaction charges from customers as we sell high ticket items. how can we do that. we are willing...
I am in Ireland so my primary market is set to that. I would like to sell in the US only at the moment. I am capable of making a new market for the US...
Help needed please I tried changing my store header background colour to black in theme settings, I did change it in theme settings but it didn't ...
Hello! I just installed the klaviyo email marketing app. And tried to set up an embedded sign up form. But a problem occurred when I put the e...
Hi all! We run and make one-off, handmade toddler/baby clothing rompers, shorts, etc. There is only 1 of every product, and we do pro...
Need help with Hover over image transition effect on collections all page I want to remove the mouse over / zoom transition effect as you hover over...
Received the following email from Shopify. Based on the work flow support provided i was able to confirm there are not webhooks set up at this time. ...
Hi Guys, I have a question. maybe someone can help me. How can i add my logo to the mobile menu and also register login.. Thank you very much a...
In my product descriptions the description is pushed all the way over to the right hand side of the page. How can I center the product description for...
I'm making a website, but any time I try to ad a product it says that there are none to be added, even though I have products already made and in the ...
Hi, I have asked my customers to submit photos of themselves using my product for use as UGC on my site and social media but obviously need to have co...
Hallo zusammen, weiß einer von euch, wie ich beim Dawn Theme, die Einklapptexte so einstellen kann, dass das erst beim Besuchen der Produktseite berei...
Please help me iam unable to connect my domain.
Hello . So I created a mega-menu. On my store (Password: Spanx ), you can see the science page in the navigation. (Screenshot below) ....
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