Find New Customers and Lower Advertising Costs With a Better Shopify Audiences

Shopify Audiences improvements blog

A wavering economy has caused amajority of businessesto struggle with slowing sales. It’s more important than ever to maximize the efficiency of your marketing spend. Shopify is here to help.

Shopify Audienceshelps you find new customers, leveraging an exclusive audience network powered by Shopify Plus merchants. Since launching in 2022, Shopify Audiences is now 63% more effective than where it started. If you haven’t tried Shopify Audiences, now is the time.

Shopify Audiences is available to Shopify Plus stores based in the United States or Canada with Shopify Payments enabled.

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What is Shopify Audiences?

Powered by commerce insights and machine learning, Shopify Audiences is a marketing tool that provides lists of relevant audiences for your digital advertising.

Shopify Audiences automatically creates and exports custom audiences to your advertising accounts. You can target these audiences in ad campaigns across social and search platforms.

What are the benefits of Shopify Audiences?

Leverage the collective power of Shopify Plus merchants

Shopify Audiences brings together the collective intelligence of Shopify Plus merchants through a shared audience network.

Millions of intent signals from participating merchants enables Shopify Audiences to find and connect you with buyers in the market for products like yours.

As more merchants join the audience network, Shopify Audiences gets smarter at finding relevant buyers. The flywheel moves faster and performance improves further, creating a positive feedback loop.

Find more relevant buyers for less

Shopify Audiences leverages machine learning algorithms that can accurately predict relevant buyers when creating audiences for your store.

Targeting relevant audiences helps you show your ads to buyers who are more likely to purchase. This increases the efficiency of your advertising spend, leading to reduced ad costs.

Scale your digital advertising strategy

Shopify Audiences helps you drive performance at scale. It enables you to grow your campaigns across multiple marketing channels and objectives.

You can leverage Shopify Audiences on popular ad platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. Shopify Audiences provides a range of audiences for every stage of the marketing funnel:

  • Thehigher intent, lower reach audiencecontains a list of the highest-ranked potential customers and can be used for lower funnel objectives, like driving conversions.
  • Themid intent, mid reach audiencecontains a larger list of potential customers for expanded reach and can be used for mid funnel objectives, like driving consideration.
  • Thelower intent, higher reach audienceis a lookalike created based on the higher intent audience and contains a large list of potential customers. This audience can be used for top of funnel objectives, like driving brand awareness.

Shopify Audiences is now better than ever

Our team of engineers and data scientists are constantly testing and releasing new algorithms to improve the audiences.

As a result, Shopify Audiences now predicts relevant buyers with greater accuracy. The latest algorithm is 63% better at driving conversions at a lower cost compared to last year.

Learn how toexperiment with Shopify Audiencesto help increase your chances of getting better ad performance.

Shopify Audiences in action

Herrmann Digital helps merchants reduce ad costs with Shopify Audiences

Herrmann Digital is a Shopify partner that specializes in digital advertising and scaling direct-to-consumer brands, including Shopify Plus merchants.

“I’ve tested Shopify Audiences since launch and the scale you can get out of them is growing by the month. We can leave these campaigns running on Meta for longer and help our merchants deliver on average a 10-15% lower customer acquisition cost compared to campaigns that don't use Audiences,” said David Herrmann, President of Herrmann Digital.

David continued, “The diversification of Audiences has helped us scale into more platforms. Pinterest is currently delivering us performance that mirrors Meta most days thanks to Audiences.”

Kate Hewko increases return on ad spend with Shopify Audiences

Fashion brandKate Hewko想要加快expansion with a media strategy that fuelled its next phase of growth. The brand upgraded to Shopify Plus to harness Shopify Audiences' ability to find new customers.

“With Shopify Audiences we saw one of our best performing campaigns, ever. The results exceeded expectations, and Shopify Audiences now plays a vital role in our buyer prospecting strategy,” said Kate Hewko, Founder and CEO.

Shopify Plus brands across industries have improved ad performance with Shopify Audiences. Read ourmerchant storiesto learn more.

Drive better ad performance with Shopify Audiences

Get started with Shopify Audiences today to find buyers who are more likely to purchase from your store. Shopify Audiences provides custom audiences for your digital ads that help you reach the right buyers and lower ad costs.

Need help with getting started? Reach out to your Merchant Success Manager to discuss tips on using Shopify Audiences.