A Strategy for Human Resources in our Current Climate

A Strategy for Human Resources in our Current Climate

工人冒着健康工作至关重要side-by-side with their colleagues. Others are working remotely, but their access to company systems may not be secure. Executive leaders, many of whom have recently traveled internationally, may unknowingly be infected.

The role of a human resources (HR) professional has never been so crucial at such an unclear time. Businesses are turning to their HR teams to ask: How do you protect your people? How do you provide access to systems and ensure they’re secure? What should you prioritize?

“I just think in this unprecedented time we don’t have a pattern that’s happened before that we can mirror, says Steph Corker, Founder and People Consultant at The Corker Collective. “But we are called to be human in a different way.”

Here, we provide insight and guidance to help you focus on what matters most and how best to navigate both the pandemic and a post-COVID-19 world.

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Rethinking HR’s role

HR is on thecorporate frontlinein the fight against COVID-19, but many HR professionals aren’t prepared. Nearly half of surveyed leaders inHuman Resources Directorsay their HR departments aren’t adequately trained to deal with the challenges associated with a global pandemic. Almost7 in 10 HR leaderscite crisis management or business continuity planning as their top COVID-19 challenge. The other challenges include:

  • Managing flexible work arrangements (64%)
  • Managing employee communication (56%)
  • Addressing employee concerns on workplace policies (53%)
  • Implementing preventive measures (43%)
  • Reviewing current welfare policies (25%)

The way this crisis is handled will likely have implications for recruiting and retention for years to come.“People have long memories and they’ll remember if you check on them in a caring way,” says Heidi Davidson, Co-Founder and CEO at Galvanize Comms. “That human centered approach is really important right now.”

Employees willpublicly rate HR’s performanceon sites like Glassdoor based on whether they felt trusted working remotely, whether you provided the right technology and tools for them to do their jobs, and the degree to which youshowed empathyto their unique situations.

Why internal crisis communications matters

Words matter more than ever. Not choosing the right ones or—worse yet—going radio silent, can jeopardize your company’s future andemployees’ safety. Despite this, 40% of organizations have still not developed aCOVID-19 communications strategy.

Even if you feel overwhelmed by halting recruitment, filing paperwork associated with unemployment benefits, and training distributed teams, making time to communicate during a crisis can have long lasting positive impacts onemployee moraleand well-being.

“Be calm, consistent, and clear in your communications to make sure you are confident and competent,” Davidson says. “Acknowledge that the thing [you’re communicating] is difficult but it's necessary because of these reasons. Dive into those reasons and make sure to drive home the journey of this decision. Explain how you’re taking care of the people who are being let go, then also explain how you’re taking care of the ones who are still remaining in the company.”

In particular, there are two key areas of internal communications you should focus on:

#1: Health and safety communications

Part of a robust internal crisis communications plan is ensuring employees receive accurate information. Making sure workers have the information necessary toprotect themselves and their familiesis the priority. Remember: it is also yourlegal obligationto protect your employees.

#2: Business continuity communications

Honest dialogue about employment security is the other crucial component of your internal communications. Nearly6 in 10 workerssurveyed say COVID-19 has them concerned about their job security. Rather than panic employees, be transparent about yourbusiness continuityplan (BCP). Your BCP should outline forced layoff and furlough plans, how decisions will be made, as well as the differentscenarios you’re modeling.

Conversely, well-capitalized companies provide employees more certainty.LinkedIn,American Express,PayPal, andMorgan Stanleyhave promised no coronavirus layoffs in 2020. If you haverecurring revenueor access to capital markets, alleviating job security concerns can result in amore productiveworkforce.

A crisis communications framework

Internal crisis communications must be consistent with external communications and company behavior. Nothing kills credibilityand employee moralefaster than a failure to do what you say and say what you do.

“Consistency is something people forget during a crisis,” Davidson says. “You make sure that if you say you’ll be communicating with the team at a certain time, you follow that schedule. Because in the absence of information is when people get anxious.”

Educate yourself

In the U.S., ensure you’re up to date on the following:

Speak with one voice

Designate asingle spokespersonor team (for larger businesses) to communicateregularly. Reiterate policy and employeesupport resourcesandemployee assistance programs. Leave policies should beflexible and not punitive.

Highlight achievement

Ensure employees understand how their roles fit into the company’s broader mission.Point out successes, little victories, or instances in which people went above and beyond for customers. Introduceemployee recognition awards. Immediately counterfalse information.

Balance directives with feedback

Solicit feedback, especially from employees new to remote work.Create mechanismsso employees can share fears, concerns, or stories of co-workers going above and beyond.

Focus on the short term

While it’s appropriate to reassure workers and communicate optimism for the long term, don’t try to predict the future. Rather than speculate, provide concreteshort term plans, guidance, and role-specific actions and expectations. Address employee concerns about their livelihoods by providing transparency aroundbusiness conditions and performance.

Prioritizing people

You’ll have nothing to communicate unless you ensure the continuity of essential functions while simultaneously protecting distributed teams.

“It's nice to ask people how they’re doing but think about offering something to people instead, says Corker of The Corker Collective. “Like, “Oh I found this thing online that I thought you might like”. It’s a beautiful thing to reach out and want nothing in return.”

HR professionals can lead in the following areas:

Protecting your essential workers

Repeatedly stress that workers who have had a possible exposure to COVID-19 should not report to work. Here are some guidelines on how to protect your staff who need to be in your office or warehouse:

  • Minimizeface-to-face interaction
  • Pre-screen employees before they start work by measuring their temperature and assessing their symptoms
  • Pay non-exempt employeesfor the time spent undergoing screenings and checks
  • Provide workers with PPE
  • Provide training on social distancing measures at work, including inside break rooms
  • Disinfect and cleancommonly trafficked areas and increase air exchange in buildings

Remote work with flexibility

It’s anything but remote-work-as-usual these days. Even if you had a remote work policy before the pandemic, it probably wasn’t designed to handle each member of your workforce at once. It also likely wasn’t built for a time when hospitals and healthcare would be challenging to access, when schools and daycares would be closed, or when employees would be required to work while simultaneously caring for loved ones.

Consider updating or adapting your policy to accommodate workers who find themselves in binds through no fault of their own:

  • Consider offeringdifferent work hours, staggering start times, or allowing people to schedule blocks of work around child care responsibilities. For example, workers may be more productive and happier if they can work prior to children waking up or after they go to bed. Alternatively, considersetting core hours, or time when employees must be available, and allow them to work the rest of their hours when it’s convenient for them.
  • Enabling robust distributed teams also means preparing for the dark side of remote work likevirtual layoffs. Remember, virtual meetings can be recorded and posted for the world to see. Helping laid-off workers maintain their dignity while being laid off is not only the right thing to do, but it preserves relationships with people you may soon want to rehire. Rather than mass layoff announcements via Zoom, schedule individual meetings, allow them to ask questions, provide them with the information they need to apply for benefits.

Employee assistance programs

Some companies arecovering testing and treatment costsstemming from COVID-19. Others are enabling and eliminating copays fortelehealth doctor visitsand mental health consultations.

Beyond health insurance, HR departments might alsoalleviate financial stressby advocating for daily wage pay, company subsidized loans, or free access to financial literacy courses. If there’s a desire, HR can also coordinate apaid time off (PTO) bankin which remote employees can donate time to employees required to work on-site.

HR in a post-COVID-19 world

Reopening the economy will present HR professionals with a new set of daunting challenges. Your focus will move beyond immediate health and safety concerns. The new focus will be on themedium and long term impactof COVID-19. Expect arestructuring of the workforce, shifting employee priorities, andnew safety protocols:

New workplace designs and protocols

Physically returning to work, whether gradually or all at once, may requirenew workplace designsand safety protocols. Companies with physical retail footprints mayrethink densityand prioritize physical distancing. In some industries or locations,Infrared Fever Scanning Systems(IFss) may be adopted as companies attempt to identify vulnerable employees, visitors, and contractors.

Staggered work weeks, start times, and lunch breaks may become the norm. Office door handles may be removed or replaced withhands-free door openers. Employers may opt to equip employees with PPE, make lunch cafeteriascashless, or usenano coatingsto reduce surface contamination.Immunity passportsmay be required before infected workers can re-enter the workforce.

Distributed team permanency impacts commercial office space

Today’s version of remote work isnot normal. When schools and daycares reopen, employees will have fewer distractions and can focus only on work during work hours. Take the time to appropriatelytranslate existing work rules, expectations, and schedules for this new environment. If you failed to achievedistributed authority with central coordination, make it a priority to implement.

另外,领导财务团队的准备in a discussion regarding the implications a larger remote team has on theneed for commercial office space. Corporate square footage reductions may save money in lean times.

Employee priorities shift from pay to wellness

Before COVID-19, the economy was relatively strong, and HR often focused on pay and havingthe wage conversation. However, fresh off a global pandemic,health and wellness一样大,甚至更大的可能会优先考虑工人吗than salary. Expect healthcare systems and benefits reforms aimed at preventing pandemic-related hiccups from recurring and expect to spend more time on benefits plans. If employee priorities shift materially, companies may rapidly begin taking a holistic approach by bundling additionalmental and emotional well-being benefits with traditional health care.

Virtual talent acquisition and retention

Massive layoffs may result in a reliance on temporary help immediately after the pandemic subsides. Those that treated laid-off employees with respect during the downturn may have an opportunity to bring valued ex-employees back quickly as1099 contractorsor help them sign up with the temp agency with which you partner.

Keeping your talent pipeline full by communicating with ex-employees, or simply checking in because you care, can help you ramp back up more quickly post-COVID-19. If you’re now largely remote, consider remote hiring and digitalrecruiting and onboardingas well.

Digital transformation accelerates

HR is or should be at theheartof an organization’s digital transformation. If your systems failed or did not perform as you desired, it’s time to act.Digitization entailsautomating repetitive tasks, maximizing the employee experience, and using time saved to lead your organization strategically. If COVID-19 taught us anything, it’s thevalue of human capital. Unlocking that value means your teams must have the digital and mobile tools necessary to perform optimally.

Organizations of the future will turn to HR to “redesign talent practices从招聘到领导绩效管理ment.”Self-serve solutionsenable employees to do much of what HR used to do so HR departments of tomorrow can lead, enact change across the organization, and be more valuable members of the organization.

HR and leadership

Shortcomings have been exposed. None of us have been left unscathed. But what you’re doing matters to your organization and its people. We all could have done better. What matters now, however, is ensuring that next time we will.

Doctoringcultural damagecaused by the pandemic is paramount. But triage will soon shift to recovery. Performing acrisis post-mortemcan reveal opportunities for improvement. Tomorrow you’ll have opportunities to lead, to nurture culture, improve morale, and ensure your organization is vaccinated against many of the ills brought about by COVID-19.

Upcoming webinar: HR and communications strategies to navigate the pandemic

We’re eager to see where youlead your tribe, and we also want to help. It’s why we’ve assembled a panel of expert HR professionals to help you navigate this unpredictable moment in time in our upcoming webinar.

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About the author

Nick Winkler

Nick Winkler is a contributor to the Shopify Plus blog and founder of The Winkler Group, a strategic communications firm that provides content marketing services to the world's best-known brands, businesses, and marketers.

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