S Corp vs. C Corp: Key Differences (2023)

s corp vs c corp

WhileS corpandC corpmay sound similar, there are some key differences in how these two entity types are formed, their tax benefits, their shares of stock, and how they must operate.

What is an S corp?

An S corporation (S corp) is a legal entity and tax designation defined by its pass-through tax status. By electing to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code, S corps may forgo paying corporate income taxes and instead pass all business income, losses, deductions, and credits through to shareholders for federal tax purposes.

Those shareholders then report the distributions on their personal tax returns, and taxes are assessed at their personal income tax rates. This allows an S corp to avoid double taxation on corporate income.

What is a C corp?

A C corp is a company that issues stocks to shareholders and is run by a board of directors. Big US companies like Microsoft and Walmart are C corporations—that is, their income is taxed under Subchapter C of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

The key defining features of C corps lie in liability and tax treatment, however. Like S corps, C corps shield their shareholders from business-related liability. Anyone who sues a C corp cannot reach the personal assets of its shareholders.

C corps are taxed on corporate income, and shareholders are taxed again on any dividends they receive from the company. This is called “double taxation.”

What is the difference between an S corp vs C corp?

The main difference between anS Corpand C Corp lies in federal income tax liability and ownership. S corps are pass-through entities, where profits and losses pass through to shareholders’ personal tax returns. C corps are separate taxable entities, subject to double taxation.

S corps have ownership restrictions, while C corps offer more flexibility but potentially higher tax implications. Both entities offer limited liability protections.

It’s important for any small business owner to understand these differences in order to make early stage decisions on your business structure that might affect long-term payouts to shareholders.

Here’s an overview of the key similarities and differences between the two types of corporations.

Attribute S Corporation C Corporation
Formation Articles of Incorporation and IRS Form 2553. Articles of Incorporation.
Fundraising One class of stock. Common or preferred stock.
Shareholders US citizens or permanent residents. Up to 100 shareholders. No restrictions on number or type of shareholder.
Operations Must elect officers, hold annual board meetings, follow bylaws. Must elect officers, hold annual board meetings, follow bylaws.
Taxes Shareholders pay personal tax on distributions. 需要缴纳营业税的收入。
Formation costs $1,200, on average. $633, on average.


The formation of S corps and C corps are similar. For both, you need to file Articles of Incorporation, adopt bylaws, obtain an employer identification number (EIN), and maintain compliance with state requirements.

There’s one major difference in the formation process: electing S corp status, which involves filing IRS Form 2553. S corps have to complete this step within a certain time frame. States may also have different requirements for S and C corporations, depending on their laws and regulations.

Here’s more information on how to start each type of corporation:


Both can be funded through the issuance of stock.

C corps can issue common or preferred stock. Common stock comes with voting privileges; preferred stock comes with no voting privileges, but preferred stockholders jump the line in terms of priority when it comes to receiving dividends, or payouts if a company is liquidated. S corps are limited to offering one class of stock.


Both S corps and C corps allow shareholders, which means multiple people can own portions of the business.

S corps need to observe rules about the number of shareholders and who their shareholders can be that C corps do not. S corps may issue shares to a maximum of 100 shareholders, all of whom must be actual people (not corporations) who are US citizens or permanent residents. If an S Corp transfers ownership to a nonresident after formation, it will lose its tax status.

C corps may issue as many shares as they like to anyone or anything they like: corporations, nonprofits, citizens of foreign countries even.


Shareholders for both S corps and C corps pay personal-rate taxes on corporate distributions. (These are usually referred to as “dividends” when issued by C corps.) Both shield shareholders from corporate liability, protecting their personal assets in the event of litigation.

C corps pay corporate income tax, and their shareholders pay taxes on any distributions from the company, meaning dividends are essentially taxed twice. S corps enjoy pass-through tax treatment, meaning shareholders pay personal income taxes on distributions from the company only.


Both S corps and C corps require appointing corporate officers; e.g., a board of directors. These boards must meet at least annually and keep detailed minutes of each session.

Both entity types must draft, file, and abide by company bylaws regarding the makeup and voting of boards, issuance of stock, scheduling of annual meetings, etc. They both also must file an annual report and have a registered agent.

Formation costs

Based onContractsCounsel的市场ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址数据,形成的平均成本n S corp is $1,200. ContractsCounsel alsofoundthe average cost of starting a C corp is around $633.

S and C corps can be expensive to form compared with other structures, likeLLCsorsole proprietorships.

S corp vs. C corp: Which is best for you?

Choosing between types of corporations requires entrepreneurs to ask a number of important questions:

  • 你需要或想要筹钱为你的伴随矩阵y by issuing stock?
  • Do you foresee having investors who are foreign or business entities?
  • Do you ever intend to sell your company?
  • How large of a shareholder pool do you envision in the immediate future? In five years?
  • Can you afford double taxation? If not, can you bear the extra IRS scrutiny?

Navigating these questions will likely lead you to the best option for your business. But if not, don’t worry—you are not trapped in a dichotomy of S corps and C corps. Perhaps an LLC, partnership, or even a sole proprietorship is a better fit for your needs whenstarting your business.

S Corp vs. C Corp FAQ

What's the difference between an S corp and a C corp?

An S corp is a type of corporation that has elected to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that all of the profits and losses of the S corp are passed through the shareholders and reported on their personal income tax returns, which avoids the double taxation that applies to C corps. C corps, on the other hand, are taxed separately from the owners and the corporate income is subject to double taxation. C corps also have more restrictions, such as the number of shareholders, and are subject to more complex filing requirements.

Who pays more taxes, an S corp or a C corp?

Generally, a business with S corporation status pays less taxes than a C corporation because of pass-through taxation. This is because S corporations are pass-through entities, meaning their income is passed through to their shareholders, who are then taxed at their individual income tax rates. By comparison, C corporations are taxed at the corporate level, which tends to be higher than individual tax rates.

How do I know if a company is a C corp or an S corp?

You can find out if a company is a C corp or an S corp by consulting the company’s public records, such as their filing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or their Articles of Incorporation. You can also contact the company directly and ask them to provide the necessary information.

What is better: an LLC or an S Corp?

The answer to this question will depend on the specific needs of the business. A limited liability company (LLC) offers more flexibility in terms of corporate structure, taxation, and management. S corporations provide certain tax advantages, such as the ability to avoid double taxation and the potential for shareholders to receive special tax treatment. Ultimately, the best choice for a startup will depend on its individual needs and goals.